Staff Profile

My name is Logan Hopson, I'm the music teacher, and this is my 8th year at Westgate. I received my Associates' degree from Amarillo College and finished my BA at CU-Boulder. My wife, Kirsten, and I are from Texas, but have lived in Colorado for 10 years now. I'm so excited for what this year will bring! I'm always available for questions/comments, just feel free to email me.




 We're now halfway through quarter 1! 
Time to switch specials!
KG  will be working on singing/dancing to music and learning rhythms on drums.
1/2 will be working on rhythms and notes on marimbas.
3/4 will be doing recorder karate.
5/6 will be doing guitars.

Summer Conferences

Hello Westgate Families!

Please only sign up for one time slot for all of you children. Multiples slots will be removed. Each slot will be for 15min with all of the specials teachers. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Specials Team