Mr. Baldwin's Language Arts Class


Week of February 1st

Persuasive Writing 

Monday – Revising – Students should join the zoom at 8:30 

Complete Monday 19 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will review the revising process for their persuasive essay.  We will begin revising by reviewing the Persuasive Writing Checklist that they completed last week.  Students will need to ensure that all aspects of their writing are present during this time.  Students will then complete the “Sentence Types” sheet as a review to prepare for tomorrow.  This can be found in the Class Work tab in Teams. 

Tuesday – Revising for Sentence Structure – Students should join the zoom at 8:30 

Complete Tuesday 19 of the Daily Language Review packet. We will review different types of sentences (simple, compound, & complex).  Students will identify these sentences within their rough draft by highlighting them different colors.  Students will need to adjust their sentences if they find that they are missing certain sentence types, or have too much of a certain type.  

Wednesday – Revising for Organization – Students should join the zoom at 8:30 

Complete Wednesday 19 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will review how to structure their paragraphs.  They will see how the introduction will match the ideas stated in their body paragraphs and make changes to their paragraphs if necessary.  Students will review the structure of each body paragraph as well and ensure that the quote they used from the article matches what they write about in their body paragraphs.   

Thursday – Editing – Students should join the zoom at 8:30 

Complete Thursday 1of the Daily Language Review packet.  We will review editing practices and how to edit our own work.  Students will have time to edit their own rough draft using the acronyms we learn in class.  We will have an additional editing practice page to work on in class as well.  This can be found in the Class Work tab in Teams. 

Friday – Complete Editing & Revising 

Complete Friday 19 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will need to ensure that their rough draft has been complete edited and revised.  This will prepare them to publish their draft as their final draft.  This will be considered a work day for students who were unable to complete work throughout the week, or did not finish editing and revising the day before.

Week of January 25th

Persuasive Writing, Week 3 

Monday – Writing Body Paragraph 2  

Complete Monday 18 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their second body paragraph for their persuasive essay.  This will be modeled in class.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Persuasive Writing.  Click on “Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their second body paragraph today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Tuesday – Writing Body Paragraph 3 

Complete Tuesday 18 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will write their third body paragraph for their expository essay.  They will be shown this during advocacy and there will be an example in Teams for them to go off of.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure shown.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Persuasive Writing.  Click on “Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their third body paragraph today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Wednesday – Writing the Conclusion 

Complete Wednesday 18 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their conclusion for their persuasive essay.  We will review paraphrasing and this will be modeled during the lesson.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Persuasive Writing.  Click on “Rough Draft”.   

Thursday – Check for Completion 

Complete Thursday 18 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will read through their completed draft to make sure all aspects of the rough draft are present.  There will be a checklist for them to follow that is posted in Teams.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Persuasive Writing.  Click on “Rough Draft Checklist”.  

Friday – Editing Review & Practice 

Complete Friday 18 of the Daily Language Review packet.  The assignment will be to complete the Editing Review Sheet in Teams.  We will be working on editing and revising next week, so this will be a great way to prepare for the upcoming week!  Click on Class Notebook.  It will be located in the Class Work tab.  Click on “Persuasive Writing Editing Review”.   

Week of October 19th

Week 17– Persuasive Writing, Week 2 

Monday – No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 

Tuesday – Planning  

Complete Monday & Tuesday 17 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to plan their writing.  Students will be expected to plan the topic of their 3 body paragraphs & choose which side of the argument they will represent.  They should also write 3 fact fragments down for each paragraph they have.   They will write this in the Literacy OneNote in the Persuasive Writing tab.  Click on “Persuasive Writing Plan”.  The directions will be explained during advocacy and will also be in the document. 

Wednesday – Writing an Introduction 

Complete Wednesday 17 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their introduction for their persuasive essay.  This will be modeled during class.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on “Persuasive Writing”. Click on “Persuasive Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their introduction today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Thursday – Writing Body Paragraph 1 

Complete Thursday 17 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their first body paragraph for their persuasive essay.  This will be modeled during class.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on “Persuasive Writing”. Click on “Persuasive Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their first body paragraph today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Friday – Complete any missing paragraphs    

Complete Friday 17 of the Daily Language Review packet.  The assignment is to go over all paragraphs that have currently been written (introduction & body paragraph1).  Students should finish any unwritten paragraphs or add any missing pieces to an existing paragraph.  Students will have a checklist to follow to make sure all aspects of the introduction and body paragraph are present. 

Week of January 11

Week 16 – Persuasive Writing, Week 1 

Expository Writing Unit – Week 1   

Monday – Brainstorm   

Complete Monday 16 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will get an introduction into persuasive writing. We will discuss the difference between being persuasive and pleading/begging.  They will brainstorm 3 – 5 topics that they would be interested in researching further.  Their assignment after is to brainstorm based on these criteria:   

  • Something that has pros/cons, or multiple sides 
  • Can research (find good sources)  
  • Something they’re interested in 

Write down these 3 – 5 topics and have them ready.  

Tuesday – Find Credible Sources   

Complete Tuesday 16 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will see how we can find sources through  Their assignment after the recorded lesson is to search for terms through Newsela and try to find the most relevant/interesting articles and bookmark them.  They should find at least 2, but should try to find as much as 4 if possible.  If your child cannot find relevant articles on Newsela, please contact me.  Once you have found 2 – 3 relevant articles, please place them in the proper OneNote tab. 

Wednesday – Reading and Pulling Out Key Information  

Complete Wednesday 16 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will review how to write down ‘fact fragments’.  A fact fragment is a way to take notes based on what someone is reading.  We will be collecting fact fragments as we read so that we will have something to reference when we are writing the persuasive essay.  Afterwards, they should read one of their articles and write down fact fragments as they are reading.    

Thursday – Reading and Pulling Out Key Information Continued   

Complete Thursday 16 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will continue writing down fact fragments as they read their second article.  Make sure that you label which article each fact fragment comes from so that it can be referenced in the future.  

Friday – Reading and Pulling Out Key Information Continued    

Complete Friday 16 of the Daily Language Review packet.  The assignment is to finish reading and writing down ‘fact fragments’ of any remaining articles.  Students will need to be ‘experts’ on their topic by Monday so they can begin choosing a side and write about their topic! 

Week of December 14th

Week 13 – Expository Writing – Live Presentations 

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 


Complete Monday 15 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will be presenting their expository writing via Zoom.  Each student will read their essay aloud and answer questions about their topic at the end of their presentation.  When students are not presenting, they are expected to write down 2 – 3 facts that they learned about the presenter’s topic.   

Tuesday – Social Studies Connection 

Complete Tuesday 14 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Read the article that has been assigned on Newsela.  It is titled “Gold Bug Bites Dry California”.  When you are done, complete the quiz that is built into Newsela. 

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am 


Complete Wednesday 15 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will continue to present their expository writing via Zoom.  Each student will read their essay aloud and answer questions about their topic at the end of their presentation.  When students are not presenting, they are expected to write down 2 – 3 facts that they learned about the presenter’s topic.   

Thursday – Winter Break: No assignments! 

Friday – Winter Break: No assignments! 

Week of December 7th

Week 13 – Expository Writing – Editing & Publishing 

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 


Complete Monday 14 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to edit a piece of writing and things to look for while doing so.  They will practice this skill with an editing worksheet after class.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the book icon [||\].  Click on your name.  Click on Class Work.  Click on "Editing Worksheet”. 

Tuesday – Organization 

Complete Tuesday 14 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Review the writing process by watching the BrainPop video called “Writing Process”.  Afterward, please complete the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them in class! 

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Publishing & Preparing for an Oral Presentation  

Complete Wednesday 14 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand what it means to publish and how to publish their final draft of their writing.  We will also discuss the plan for next week of an oral presentation via Zoom.  Students will create a Word document and copy & paste their final draft into Word.  They will share this document with me.   

Thursday – Oral presentation preparation 

Complete Thursday 14 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Students should practice reading their final draft of their writing aloud.  Please practice this 3 times to prepare for the following week! 

Friday – Quiz 

Complete Friday 14 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Students will complete a grammar quiz about sentence types and editing.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the book icon [||\].  Click on your name.  Click on Quizzes.  Click on "Grammar & Editing Quiz”. 

Week of November 30th

Week 13 – Expository Writing - Revising 

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Revising for Sentence Structure 

Complete Monday 13 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to identify simple and compound sentences.  They will identify and write their own simple and compound sentences by completing the Sentence Structure Worksheet.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the book icon [||\].  Click on your name.  Click on Class Work.  Click on "Sentence Structure Worksheet”. 

Tuesday – Organization 

Complete Tuesday 13 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Review simple and compound sentences by reviewing the Khan Academy videos and practice problems.  These have been assigned to students and they will be shown how to access these assignments. 

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Revising for Sentence Structure, part 2 

Complete Wednesday 13 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to identify complex and compound-complex sentences.  They will identify and write their own complex and compound-complex sentences by completing the Sentence Structure Worksheet 2.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the book icon [||\].  Click on your name.  Click on Class Work.  Click on "Sentence Structure Worksheet 2”. 

Thursday – Strengthening Sentences 

Complete Thursday 13 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Review complex and compound-complex sentences by reviewing the Khan Academy videos and practice problems.  These have been assigned to students and they will be shown how to access these assignments. 

Friday – Strengthening Sentences  

Complete Friday 13 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Students will go into their own rough draft and identify at least 1 type of sentence they have.  They will do this by completing the Sentence Structure Checklist in Teams.  If students are unable to identify at least 1 type of sentence in their expository draft, they will need to add or change a sentence so that they have at least one of each type of sentence in their writing 

  • Simple 
  • Compound 
  • Complex 
  • Compound-Complex 

Week of November 16th

Week 12 – Expository Writing - Revising 

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Revising for Organization 

Complete Monday 12 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand organization in writing and how our Expository Essays should be organized.  They will check their essay with my example and complete a checklist that shows that all parts of the essay are present.  They will complete the checklist in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Organization Checklist”.   

Tuesday – Organization 

Complete Tuesday 12 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Five-Paragraph Essay” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class on Wednesday. 

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Revising for Word Choice 

Complete Wednesday 12 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand what Word Choice is and how to improve their Word Choice using a thesaurus.  We will highlight “High-Frequency Words” in our writing and substitute them. Afterwards, they will substitute at least 5 of their words in their rough draft and underline them so it is apparent which words they have substituted.  They will do this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Rough Draft”.   

Thursday – Strengthening Sentences 

Complete Thursday 12 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Strengthening Sentences” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class next week. 

Friday – Run-On Sentences 

Complete Friday 12 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Strengthening Sentences” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class next week. 

Week of November 9th

Week 11 – Expository Writing - Drafting 

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Adding Details & Citing Sources 

Complete Monday 11 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will understand how to find a specific fact that is related to one of their body paragraphs.  They will learn how to quote the author and add these quotes into their own writing.  Students should do this the same way shown, and an example will be provided.  They will need to add one fact from an article into one of their body paragraphs. 

Tuesday – Add Details & Citing Sources Continued 

Complete Tuesday 1of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Students should find 2 more facts and follow the instruction from yesterday in order to add 2 more quotes from the text into their writing.  By the end, they should have added 3 quotes in total and there should be one quote in each body paragraph.  

Wednesday – No School.  Students are not required to complete any work.  

Thursday – Grammar - Semicolons 

Complete Wednesday & Thursday 11 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Semicolons” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class next week. 

Friday – Grammar - Colons 

Complete Friday 11 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Colons” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class next week. 


Week of November 2nd

Week 10 – Expository Writing - Drafting 

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Body Paragraph 3  

Complete Monday 10 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their third body paragraph for their expository essay.  This will be modeled during the lesson.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their third body paragraph today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph.  There is also “Mr. Baldwin’s Example” in OneNote that students may refer. 

Tuesday – Paraphrasing 

Complete Tuesday 10 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Paraphrasing” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class on Wednesday. 

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am 


Complete Wednesday 10 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their conclusion for their expository essay.  This will be modeled during the lesson.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their third body paragraph today. There is also “Mr. Baldwin’s Example” in OneNote to which students may refer. 

Thursday – Citing Sources 

Complete Thursday 10 of the Daily Language Review Packet.  Watch the “Citing Sources” video on BrainPop.  The username is ‘westgate’ and the password is ‘westgate’.  When you are done, please take the graded quiz.  Write down your answers and be ready to share them during class next week. 

Friday - Friday 10 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review). Create a OneNote page that has all of the links to any articles or books you may have read about your topic.  They should be easily accessible. We will be using them next week, so please have them ready to go.   

Week of October 26th

Expository Writing Unit – Week 2  

Monday – Planning  

Complete Monday of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand plan their writing.  This will be modeled during the video.  Students will be expected to plan the topic of their 3 body paragraphs.  They should also write 3 fact fragments down for each paragraph they have.  All of this is shown in the video.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Plan”.  Please do not start to actually write your essay.   

Tuesday – Writing an Introduction  

Complete Tuesday 9 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their introduction for their expository essay.  This will be modeled during the video.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their introduction today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Wednesday – Writing Body Paragraph 1 

Complete Wednesday 9 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their first body paragraph for their expository essay.  This will be modeled during the video.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their first body paragraph today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Thursday – Writing Body Paragraph 2 

Complete Thursday 9 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will understand how to structure their second body paragraph for their expository essay.  This will be modeled during the video.  Students will be expected to follow the same structure modeled.  They will write this in OneNote.  Click on Class Notebook, then click the purple arrow [>].  Click on your name.  Click on Writing.  Click on “Expository Writing Rough Draft”.  Students will only be writing their second body paragraph today.  Please do not go on to the next paragraph. 

Friday – Finish any unfinished paragraphs 

Complete Friday 8 of the Daily Language Review packet.  There is no recorded lesson.  The assignment is to go over all paragraphs that have currently been written.  Students should finish any unwritten paragraphs or add any missing pieces to an existing paragraph.  Students will have a checklist to follow to make sure all aspects of the introduction and body paragraphs are present. 

Week of October 19th

Expository Writing Unit – Week 1  

Monday – Brainstorm  

Complete Monday 8 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will get an introduction into expository writing through the recorded lesson.  They will brainstorm 3 – 5 topics that they would be interested in researching further.  Their assignment after the recorded lesson is simply to brainstorm based on these criteria:  

  • Know something about already 
  • Can research (find good sources) 
  • Enjoy! 

Write down these 3 – 5 topics and have them ready. 

Tuesday – Find Credible Sources  

Complete Tuesday 8 of the Daily Language Review packet. Students will see how we can find sources through via the recorded lesson.  Their assignment after the recorded lesson is to search for terms through Newsela and try to find the most relevant/interesting articles and bookmark them.  They should find at least 2, but should try to find as much as 4 if possible.  If your child cannot find relevant articles on Newsela, please contact me.  Once you have found 2 – 3 relevant articles, please email them to me.   

Wednesday – Reading and Pulling Out Key Information 

Complete Wednesday 8 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will see how to write down ‘fact fragments’ via the recorded lesson.  A fact fragment is a way to take notes based on what someone is reading.  We will be collecting fact fragments as we read so that we will have something to reference when we are writing the expository essay.  After the recorded lesson, they should read one of their articles and write down fact fragments as they are reading.   

Thursday – Reading and Pulling Out Key Information Continued  

Complete Thursday 8 of the Daily Language Review packet.  Students will review how to write down ‘fact fragments’ via the recorded lesson.  A fact fragment is a way to take notes based on what someone is reading.  We will be collecting fact fragments as we read so that we will have something to reference when we are writing the expository essay.  After the recorded lesson, they should read another one of their articles and write down fact fragments as they are reading.  

Friday – Reading and Pulling Out Key Information Continued   

Complete Friday 8 of the Daily Language Review packet.  There is no recorded lesson.  The assignment is to finish reading and writing down ‘fact fragments’ of any remaining articles.  Students will need to be ‘experts’ on their topic by Monday so they can begin writing about their topic! 

Week of October 14th

Week of October 14th – Frindle Book Study – End of Book Review & Discussion 

Wednesday – Plot Events  

After watching the recorded lesson, complete the “Plot” page under the Frindle tab in class notebook.   

Thursday – Theme  

After watching the recorded lesson, complete the “Theme” page under the Frindle tab in class notebook.   

Friday – End of Book Assessment  

Complete the Frindle assessment pages.  Please look back in the book if you need to! It is under the Frindle tab in class notebook and is called “Final Test”. 

Week of September 28th

Week 6 – Frindle Book Study – Chapters 13 - 15

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am

Complete Monday 6 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review).  We will begin by reviewing vocabulary words that will be present in chapters 13 - 15.  Students will write down these vocabulary words.  There is a copy of this sheet on Class Notebook under “Frindle”.  We will also read chapter 13 together as we discuss elements of the plot & vocabulary in context.


Complete Tuesday 6 of the Daily Language Review Packet. Complete page 2 of the packet called “Ch. 13 – 15”, entitled “Vocabulary Study”.  This can be found by clicking on Class Notebook.  Then click the purple arrow [>].  Click your name.  Click on Frindle.  Click on Ch. 13 - 15.  The definitions of these words can be found in the PDFs channel in Teams.  Then click on Files.  Click on the corresponding link and find the PDF called “Frindle Vocab. Ch. 13 – 15". 

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am

Complete Wednesday 6 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review). This should be completed before Literacy class at 9:30am. We will review these answers as a class. We will read Chapter 15 together and discuss some of the comprehension questions from the weekly packet.  Their assignment afterwards is to full complete the packet for chapters 13 – 15. 

Thursday – Parent / Teacher Conferences via Zoom – No Assignments

Friday – Parent / Teacher Conferences via Zoom – No Assignments

Week of September 21st

Week 5 – Frindle Book Study – Chapters 10 12   

Monday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Complete Monday 5 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review).  Students have a hard copy of this packet. This should be completed before Literacy class at 9:30am. We will review these answers as a class. We will begin by reviewing vocabulary words that will be present in chapters 10 – 12.  Students will write down these vocabulary words.  There is a copy of this sheet on Class Notebook under “Frindle”.  We will also read chapter 10 together as we discuss elements of the plot & vocabulary in context.  

Tuesday – Vocabulary 

Complete Tuesday 5 of the Daily Language Review Packet. Complete page 2 of the packet called “Ch. 10 – 12”, entitled “Vocabulary Study”.  This can be found by clicking on Class Notebook.  Then click the purple arrow [>].  Click your name.  Click on Frindle.  Click on Ch. 10 – 12.  The definitions of these words can be found in the PDFs channel in Teams.  Then click on Files.  Click on the corresponding link and find the PDF called “Frindle Vocab. Ch. 10 – 12".   

Wednesday – Live lesson at 9:30am 

Complete Wednesday 5 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review). This should be completed before Literacy class at 9:30am. We will review these answers as a class. We will read Chapter 11 together and discuss some of the comprehension questions from the weekly packet.  Their assignment afterwards is to read chapter 12 by themselves.  The audio version for each chapter is in a channel on the Teams page should the students need. 

Thursday (graded assignment) – Thursday 5 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review). Students will work on the packet for Chapters 10 - 12, which can be found in “Class Notebook” in Teams under the “Frindle” tab.  This is a 2-day assignment.  Students are not expected to finish this on Thursday.  The audio version for each chapter is in a channel on the Teams page should the students need. 

Friday (graded assignment continued) - Friday 5 Warm-Up from packet (Daily Language Review). Finish the Chapters 7 – 9 packet in Class Notebook.