Spanish II

Course Description

In Spanish 2 students will continue through intermediate Spanish reading, writing, and speaking. We will learn vocabulary about common real-life situations, and will learn to communicate basic phrases in the target language using present and past tense grammar by the end of the year.

In Spanish class we will work on classwork based on textbooks and workbooks, we will practice speaking activities using props, we will listen to and sing songs to practice and for memorization, and we will practice vocabulary and grammar by playing classroom games. We will create presentational projects that demonstrate knowledge and skill using role-playing, props, and virtual touring. We will learn about other cultures by hearing about what it is like to live in other countries and by learning about and making authentic crafts. Student learning will be assessed by testing listening, reading, writing, conversational speaking, and presenting.


SP2 Weekly Overview


5/4 Monday

5/5 Tuesday

5/6 Wednesday

5/7 Thursday

Project notes and feedback form

New quizlet set: S23 Comida

Speaking prompt and flipgrid submission

Work and catch-up day

SP2 Weekly Overview



4/27 Monday

4/28 Tuesday

4/29 Wednesday

4/30 Thursday

Project work day

Vocabulary Quizlet Set: Mealtime

Project work day

Practice quizlet, conjuguemos

SP2 on 4-16

More about how to use tools like context clues and cognates for reading, and today you will record a conversation of you answering the five basic questions about the news article.

SPII Calendar the week of 4-13 to 4-17









Project Check-in and work day

Reading and Writing Activity

Recorded Conversations

*Class does not meet

Feedback from students asked for a weekly checklist of what will be happening in the class.

Reminder: Video lessons are posted here. Detailed written lessons are posted in the one note under the ‘Distance Learning’ tab.

*This class did not meet on Fridays, so we will stay consistent with that expectation.

Friday Announcement

Good morning,
Since our class does not regularly meet today, I ask that you go over the lessons for the week. Know that everything assigned this week is due tonight at 11:59 p.m. I have office hours today from 10-11 a.m. if you have questions. Look for those links and passwords in your email inbox. Since Fridays are Service Learning, I encourage you to think of ways you could do things to be of service to your home community. I am going to do laundry and dishes : ) Have a nice weekend!