Math - Mr. Rowan

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Weekly Update - June 3

Schedule for the Week
  • Final preparations for 20Time Project Presentations
  • Clean and check in laptops
  • Clean, organize and recycle classroom bins, folders and notebooks
  • Continuation Ceremony and Party in gym from 9-11:00 am
  • Dismissal at 11:30
  • Student-led conferences from 12:30 - 6:30
  • Final room and POD clean and recycle
  • Yearbook signing and outdoor time
  • Early dismissal at 11:30

Weekly Update - May 28

Tuesday: LA and Math in the morning. 7/8 POD Party in the afternoon.
Wednesday: Community Clean up and Park Day in the morning. Social Studies and Science in the afternoon.
Thursday: Regular schedule.
Friday: Field Trip to Denver Pop-Culture Con
After being gone last week chaperoning the Junior Class Service Trip in Taos, I will catch up with what students have completed while I was gone. This week in Math, students will focus on finishing up their Transformations Video Game Project. Students will grade each other's work using a checklist and then will play each other's games.
Next week, I will be participating in a week-long training in Longmont and will not be at school, so this will be the last week I will be with students. Congratulations on your accomplishments, and I hope you have a great summer. It has been a pleasure to teach each and every one of you and I wish you all nothing but happiness and success.
Mr. Rowan

Weekly Update - May 12

This week, students will be working on their Video Game project.
  • Create Pre-Image
  • Translate, Rotate and Reflect that image
  • Dilate that image by 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8
  • Begin video game design

Weekly Update - May 5

This week in math, students will complete the Flint Water Project. At the end of last week, I bought water testing kits, and students are going to test the water at Westgate. Students studied the water test kits and how they work, and they collected water samples. This week they will do the following
  • Make a hypothesis about the findings
  • Do the various tests
  • Analyze results and compare to hypotheses
  • Write a final report/presentation about the whole project

Weekly Update - April 28

This week, students will complete the Flint Water Crisis project. They will use the information they have collected and the calculations of Volume to complete the final step.
How many water jugs of water will your company need and how much will it cost?

Explain how your figured out how many water jugs your company will use and show the math you used to find these answers.

  • Jugs of water in a day and cost at $7.50 per jug:
  • Jugs of water in a week and cost at $7.50 per jug:
  • Jugs of water in a year and cost at $7.50 per jug:

Write and solve an algebraic equation for the monthly cost of water if there is a $45 monthly rental fee and each jug costs $7.50.

his week we will continue a problem-based unit focused on the Flint, MI water crisis. This will be a cross-curricular unit that will overlap with our theme of social justice and the 20 Time project that all 7/8 students are doing this quarter.
  • Is clean water a basic human right and who's responsibility is it to provide safe water to the public?
  • What are the solutions to the problem of contaminated drinking water?
  • What is out water like?
  • Using the Volume of Cones and Cylinders to project the new cost of buying bottled water for a local business

Weekly Update - April 14

This week we will begin a problem-based unit focused on the Flint, MI water crisis. This will be a cross-curricular unit that will overlap with our theme of social justice and the 20 Time project that all 7/8 students are doing this quarter.
  • Learn about the Flint, MI water crisis
  • Read article on unsafe waters in schools
  • Is clean water a basic human right and who's responsibility is it to provide safe water to the public?
  • What are the solutions to the problem of contaminated drinking water?
  • Using the Volume of Cones and Cylinders to project the new cost of buying bottled water for a local business

Weekly Update - April 7

Welcome back! I hope you had a good Spring Break and you are ready and rested to ROCK quarter 4! On Monday, students will look at the CMAS math website and practice navigating these problems and using the tools on the website.
Starting Tuesday, students will build on what they have learned about volume of cones and cylinders by completing a Problem-Based Learning unit on the Flint Water Crisis. 
  • Research the Flint Water Crisis
  • Simulate running a business that can't use their tap water
  • Find a solution for getting the cheapest clean water for the business
  • Calculate the cost of this new solution

Weekly Update - March 17

Student's schedules will be different this week due to CMAS testing and conferences.
This week, student's Math class will meet Monday and Wednesday morning for an hour each of those days.
  • Students will continue their work with Transformations
    • Translations
    • Rotations
    • Reflections

Weekly Update - March 11

This week students will be introduced to Transformations on the Coordinate Plane. The will watch videos, take notes, have class discussions and work practice problems
  • Translations
  • Reflections
  • Rotations

Weekly Update - March 3

This week I will collect work and check in on progress from the three days I was gone. We will then move forward with a Pythagorean Theorem workshop and some practice with Volume of Cylinders, Cones and Spheres.

Weekly Update - February 24

This week, students will complete their notes on the Pythagorean Theorem and use what they know to find the length of the hypotenuse or leg.
  • use knowledge of exponents and square roots knowing that squaring a number and taking the square root of a number are inverse or opposite operations.
  • use knowledge of solving equations by undoing addition, subtraction, squares and square roots.
I will be gone Wednesday - Friday. Students will take video notes on the Volume of cylinders, cones and spheres and use these formulas to find the volume of various objects

Weekly Update - February 18

After reviewing the Solving Equations quiz, I took time last week to go back and reteach solving equations with one, zero or infinite solutions. Students were abel to see problems they missed and research where they made a mistake, fixed the mistake and wrote all that next to each problem they missed.
This week students will be introduced to the Pythagorean Theorem as we start to move into geometry.  
  • review of exponents and square root
  • formula and vocabulary for Pythagorean Theorem
  • solving for a leg vs. solving for the hypotenuse 

Weekly Update - February 10

Students will start by taking their Solving Equations quiz on Monday.
We will then transition into The Pythagorean Theorem
  • Students will review the square and square root of a number
  • The formula for the Pythagorean Theorem
  • How to use this formula to find a missing side of a right triangle if two sides are know
  • Mathematical vocabulary for the Pythagorean Theorem 

Math Test on Monday: Solving Equations

I handed back student work packets and they had a chance to go over it, ask questions and finish what they needed. All grades are entered into IC, including if these are missing. Please make sure there is studying done over the weekend. All copies are on OneNote and if there are any questions, feel free to email me.
Mr. Rowan