Music - 1st/2nd Grade

Course Description


1/2 Music Week 2

This week, students will be learning more difficult rhythms in Rhythm Basketball and will apply those to playing drums and marimbas.

1/2 Music Week 4

This week, students will be putting all their skills together from Rhythm Basketball and learn some new rhythms.
They will play these rhythms on drums.
Two days this week, they will get the chance to play on different instruments like the pianos, drum kit, and big marimbas.

1/2 Music Week 3

This week, students will continue their work on rhythms and will have the chance to play Rhythm Basketball on their own.  
This means one student will start the tempo and count other students into the rhythms, one student will keep score, and one will hold the flash cards.  The whole class will then analyze each round on whether their peers got the rhythm correct.

1/2 Music Week 2

This week, students will continue learning new rhythms and applying them in rhythm basketball.
They will also start playing those rhythmic patterns on drums.
We will continue singing and dancing each day.

1st and 2nd Music Week 1

This week in Music, in addition to singing and movement, the students will be introduced to Rhythm Basketball.  
This is a game which sharpens their skills in recognizing rhythmic patterns and clapping them to a beat.

1/2 Music Week 4

This week, the students will play rhythms on the marimbas, exploring how to play together as a group.
They will also play Rhythm Basketball and do lots of singing.

1/2 music week 2

This week, students will be playing a lot more "Rhythm Basketball" to prepare them for more complex rhythms.
They will also be working on reading new notes and playing them on marimbas.

1/2 Music Week 1

This week we will be playing on marimbas, learning more rhythms through Rhythm Basketball, and singing more songs.
On Marimbas, students will learn how to read 3 notes on the treble clef.
Rhythm Basketball will teach students to recognize patterns, keep a beat, and count/clap variations of written rhythms.

1st and 2nd Music Week 5

This week, students will be reviewing all the material they've learned this rotation about rhythms, marimbas and movement.
There will be some rhythm basketball and they will get a chance to play instruments in the band room.

1st and 2nd Music Week 4

We will continue to learn rhythms and play rhythm basketball.
Students will learn more technique on marimbas and hand drums.

1st and 2nd Music Week 3

We will continue doing Rhythm Basketball, learning more complex rhythms.
We will also play more on the marimbas, learning how to read and play at the same time.

1st and 2nd Music Week 2

This week we will be playing on marimbas, learning more rhythms through Rhythm Basketball, and singing more songs.
On Marimbas, students will learn how to read 3 notes on the treble clef.
Rhythm Basketball will teach students to recognize patterns, keep a beat, and count/clap variations of written rhythms.

1st and 2nd Music Week 1

This week, I will introduce the students to "rhythm basketball".  
They will learn a few rhythmic patterns, clap and say them one at a time, and if they get it correct they get a point plus a shot for more points with a "basketball".
The rhythms we're learning this week are quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.