Hamilton's Literacy Update 3-4-24

With this being such a short week, we will review our patterns thus far to wrap up this quarter.  

Big Idea: How do the parts of a plant help it grow?

  • This week’s reading selection: "Plant Life Cycles"
  • Summary: A plant’s life cycle begins when the seed sprouts. After it grows bigger, some plants make flowers. Eventually, the plant dies. Seeds that are spread create new plants that begin the life cycle again.
  • Essential Questions: How does a plant grow and change throughout its life? What are the details of this big idea?

The words below appear in this week’s reading selection.

  • base (noun) the lowest part of something, which also provides support
  • bulb (noun) the underground, rounded part of a plant that grows into a new plant
  • carries (verb) moves something while holding and supporting it
  • decay (verb) to slowly break down
  • factories (noun) places where many products are made
  • life cycle (noun) the series of stages through which a living thing passes
  • nutrients (noun) substances that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow
  • reproduce (verb) to make babies, young animals, or new plants

Phonics: Students will learn the following sounds and spellings:/ō/ spelled oa_ and _ow (such as boat, and show)

  • /ū/ spelled _ew, and _ue (such as stew, and glue)


High-Frequency Words: This week we will add a few more words to our reading checklist -  Words to practice blending include:  away and their.

Writing: This week we will reflect on our science lessons and write an opinion. We will prewrite and draft an opinion about our favorite animal and why. 

Grammar: Students will learn that pronouns take the place of nouns and help to make writing easier, more interesting, and less repetitive. Examples of pronouns include I, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, you, us, and them.