Hamilton's Literacy Update 2-12-24

This week’s reading selections: Family Roots 

Summary: Ms. Novak and her students talk about where their families came from, including places such as Poland, China, India, Russia, Haiti, Nigeria, and Egypt. Everyone is surprised when twins Bella and Nick reveal their family is soon moving to Japan. 

Essential Question: How do people connect to the heritage of their family? 

Phonics: Focus: Your child will learn the following sounds and spellings: /s/ spelled cy; /ā/ spelled ai_, _a

High-Frequency Words: could, day, way

Writing: Your child will write a summary of “Family Roots.”

Grammar: Your child will review declarative (telling), interrogative (asking), exclamatory (strong feeling), and imperative (command) sentences. 

We have a fun week planned for literacy 🙂