Hamilton's Advocacy Update 2-5-24


Tues. January 30th

Board of Directors Meeting 6:30

Tues. February 6th

Events Committee Meeting  8:15-9:45

Tues. February 13th

Spirit Night at Smashburger

Wed. February 14th

Kindness Day Field Trip


  • Specials: Our special is PE. Please make sure your child wears comfy shoes.

Kindness Day:

We are about a week away from celebrating Kindness Week and Kindness Day (aka Valentine’s Day) or Wednesday, Feb. 14.  Reminder, our students do not exchange Valentine’s Day cards/candy/etc. so please do not send your student to school with valentines or treats.  Instead, our students are going out into the community to distribute hand-made Kindness cards to our neighbors.  All companies that participated in previous years are excited to restart this tradition and the new companies are looking forward to hosting our students.

Our class will be going to the Murphy Company which is right down the street from Westgate. They are a mechanical contractor delivering innovative solutions to the commercial, industrial, and institutional markets.

We will head over at 9:00 AM and return by 11:00 AM at the latest. We will not need chaperones for this day.

We will, however, need permission slips for each student.  Please follow the link below to submit a permission slip for your child.  These are due by Tuesday, February 13th.  

Important Message from Nurse Hopson:

It's cold and flu season!  Remember: washing your hands frequently is the best way to prevent spreading germs and getting sick.

Wondering when to keep kids home?

  • Fever (a temperature of 100.4 or higher): must stay home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea: must stay home until vomiting/diarrhea has stopped for 24 hours without the use of medications.
  • Coughing: must stay home if cough is severe, uncontrolled, rapid, interferes with student's ability to participate, or if wheezing is present.
  • Strep Throat: must stay home until 24 hours after starting antibiotics for strep throat.
  • Flu symptoms (fever, cough, congestion, runny nose, fatigue, body aches): must stay home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medications, and all other symptoms are improving, and the student feels well enough to participate in normal activities.

February’s Advocacy Theme:  Empathy for Others 

In February, we continue our work with EMPATHY. This month is about looking at EMPATHY in the form of caring for others. Kindness week fits in perfectly with this theme as we plan to be kind to others in different ways: Words of affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Giving. 

Learning Goals 

Students will learn skills to communicate their feelings and needs to others, while also learning skills that allow them to listen and respond to the feelings and needs of others.     

Students will practice receiving and providing feedback.