Hamilton's Literacy Update 1-29-24

 DISCUSS with your child the characteristics of the place where you live.

  • This week’s reading selections: The Zoo Trip. Summary: Mr. Huff’s class takes a trip to the local zoo. They use a map to help them tour the zoo.
  • Essential Question: Why would a map be useful at a zoo?
  • Phonics: Focus: Your child will learn the following sounds and spellings: /ō/ spelled o, o_e; /ū/ spelled u, u_e.  Have your child find words that contain these sounds/spellings in children’s books or magazines.
  • High-Frequency Words: Have your child practice reading the word over.
  • Writing: Your child will prewrite and draft a persuasive poster
  • Grammar: Your child will capitalize the days of the week and months of the year and correctly use commas in dates (Sunday, January 1, 2017).


We have a fun week planned for literacy 🙂