Hamilton's Social Studies 1-15-24

Last week in Social Studies we had fun playing with vocabulary as well as our Consumer & Producer and Needs & Wants games. Our Junior Investigators did a great job recognizing these economic principles and providing examples from their own lives. 

Next week, we will review different careers and the impact of those jobs on our community. This is a great time to talk with your Junior Investigator about your hard work in our community and the amazing impact you make every day! We will also find ourselves in an extension from our Math classes and begin to play with money.

Key Learning Unit Objectives: 

  • Identify Needs and Wants: Distinguish between things we need for survival and things we want for enjoyment. Recognize that individuals make choices based on their needs and wants. 
  • Understand Scarcity: Explore the idea that resources are limited, leading to the concept of scarcity.  Discuss the importance of making choices when faced with scarcity.  
  • Recognize Resources: Identify different types of resources, including natural, human, and capital resources. Understand how these resources contribute to meeting the needs and wants of our community. 
  • Explore Decision Making: Engage in decision-making activities to understand the process of making choices. Discuss the concept of trade-offs and the consequences of decisions. 
  • Appreciate Goods and Services: Differentiate between goods (items we can touch or hold) and services (actions provided by others). Explore the interdependence between producers and consumers in a community. 

We will have a creative week of dreaming about when we grow up :)