Christine Lounsbury » Posts


Week if January 16th

I hope you all enjoy your snow day! Please stay warm. I want to make a reminder post that our classroom is a nut free zone. This includes peanuts, tree nuts, and all types of nuts. This is for the safety of not only me, but students in the class as well. Please check that your lunches and snacks are nut free and do not contain any food items with any nuts in them. If you are unsure about a product, please feel free to reach out to me so I can let you know if it would be safe for our class.  
I will see you all Wednesday!
Mrs. Lounsbury

Week of September 11th

This week we are going to continue reading Hatchet. we have been identifying figurative language in the story. Students will use descriptive language to describe moments and places they have experienced
Here is a video of some of the types of figurative language students have been reading and using. .  
~Mrs. Lounsbury