Tessa McAleer » Mrs. McAleer, SPED Department Chair

Mrs. McAleer, SPED Department Chair

My name is Tessa McAleer and I am excited to be the Special Education Department Chair this school year. I come from 11 years in Denver Public Schools, 4 of those years as a previous SPED Chair in a DPS charter school. I have my BA in Elementary Education and my M. Ed. in Special Education from Concordia University. I am passionate about helping students see their differences as abilities and learn how to thrive in their educational settings. 
When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband and preschool-aged son. You may find us at the zoo, museums, going to Rockies games, or creating our own adventures. I also love to read, sew, and do anything crafty! 
I can't wait to get to know you and your student!