PE 3rd Greder Week 9- 12/14-12/16

Great job this quarter 3rd grade! You guys have blown me away with all the work you guys have been doing. I really enjoyed having you guys in zoom class and cannot wait to have you all in the gym for PE at some point in the future. This week we will be wrapping up the quarter. On Monday, we will be doing our post assessment. We will compare our pre assessment scores to our post assessment scores to see how much we have improved in 8 short weeks. After the post assessment, we will be ‘moving around the house with a purpose’ as the students participate in an around the house scavenger hunt. On Wednesday, I want to hear from you guys! I want everyone to have a turn to share with the class how they, ‘like to be active.’ This is a time to bring in your soccer balls, footballs, scooters, dance shoes, bikes, etc and show the class how you enjoy being physically active and ‘why you think it is important.’