PE Greder Week 6- 11/16-11/19

Great Job last week everyone! Thank you to those who have been completing their flipgrid posts. I have really enjoyed watching those. This week we are going to continue with our hand eye coordination development. We will be playing some tossing games, working to toss with accuracy. We will be doing a full body circuit pattern workout with a goal being to raise our heart rates for 10-12mins. Hopefully we will have time to start our tossing and catching challenges, again working to develop their hand eye coordination. We will be starting to take a look at grit and growth mindset which we will be talking about throughout the rest of the quarter. Grit and growth mindset is something that is not just important in PE but in many contexts in life. Things get tough, being able to think and push through these tough times is what is going to keep us growing into better people and moving forward. Make sure you are not falling too much far behind on your flipgrid assignments!