PE Kaplan Week 6- 11/16-11/19

Great job last week everyone. I really enjoyed sharing the circuit patter workout. We will continue with our warm up and stretching routine. We will continue to talk about the many mental health benefits of being physically active and the students will be putting together an exercise log/schedule for the week. We will start this in class on Tuesday, the students will need to put together 2 workouts that they will complete during the week. While the students are working on their workout schedule for the week, I will be showing them the TABATA timer website, which they can use for their own workouts this week. We will then spend the last 10-12 minutes of class using the Tabata timer and working to understand how to create your own TABATA workout. We will also be doing a yoga workout to warp up the week with the goal being to build our muscles by holding our body weight in different positions focusing on a strong foundation while working to clear our minds of the daily stresses and anxieties.