PE K1 ChalKen Week 4- 11/2-11/5

Zoom Time: M/W 1:00-1:30

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 894 8161 5399

Passcode: Located in Seesaw under announcements.

Great Job last week everyone! I really enjoyed seeing everyone and doing some physical activity together. I hope you guys enjoyed your weekends and continued to be active!

This week we are going to start out with some Hop, Skip, Jump, Slide relays(make sure you have a little space to run back and forth). Then we will start learning how to jump rope. It is going to be hard at first but follow along with me step by step and keep practicing, it will get easier! On Wednesday, we will be doing another little workout and then practicing our jump rope skills. I will show you some jump rope games to play at home.

Looking forward to another great week! Stay active and stay healthy!