PE 3rd Greder Week 3- 10.26-10.29

This week we will be spending most all the days in the classroom for PE. We will start with an activity that helps the students understand that it is OK and sometimes really GOOD to make mistakes. Mistakes are hard for everyone but if we understand how to learn from our mistakes, then mistakes can be really GOOD! Students will be sharing a time when they made a mistake and what they learned from that mistake. On Tuesday, the students will spend sometime in class searching for a workout that they will complete at home. I will show them how to navigate through the website to find workouts. Students will video themselves completing the workout on Flipgrid. I will also open up the TRICK SHOT FLIPGRID. We have been watching some Dude Perfect Trick Shot videos at the end of class and this week students will use sometime in class to start planning their own trick shot, which they will do at home. On Thursday, we will be talking about the importance of setting goals, specifically Long term goals vs. short term goals,  for oneself and planning how we can go about achieving those goals this next week!

Online Students-

Watch the video that I posted on our stream page. This will guide you through our daily warm up and stretching routine as well as a workout and activity for the week. Create your flipgrid account(join code located in the posts section on teams) and complete your Flipgrid practice post and workout. Watch Dude Perfect Real Life Trick Shot video on youtube and start thinking about a trick shot that you would like to attempt. There will be a flipgrid post for you to upload your trick shot video to! 

To Do:
-Watch video
-Daily Warm up and stretching
-Flipgrid practice post
-Flipgrid workout