Week 1- 8/24-8/28 PE Sanders

Zoom Time: Tuesday and Thursday 1:00-1:30

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84449564502?pwd=OWFJM1JGMTY0bXZ3MmNQMVhUSlVodz09

Welcome to Westgate PE! I am your Physical Education teacher Mr. Wise and I am very excited to see everyone in class this week. At Orientation last week, you should have picked up your materials bag for the quarter. In this bag you will find a stack of ten paper plates and a jump rope. These two items are the materials we will be using throughout the rotation, please make sure they are close by when you come to class.

This week we will be starting our static stretching routine and sharing ways that we enjoy being active. Working to learn some of the major muscle groups and how to properly stretch them. We will be going over the flipgrid app, which we will be using through out the quarter, as well as using it to put together a little intro ABOUT ME video to share with the class. I will be walking the students through this process, showing them where to locate the app, how to join our flipgrid class, and how to submit a video assignment.  Please make sure this is completed by Friday and that you have responded to at least one other students post/video.  On Thursday, we will get stretched out and then we will be jumping into a cardio workout with the goal being to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity for 15-20minutes.  Please make sure you have your PE equipment on hand.

HW: Finish your flipgrid assignment and respond to one other students video.