PE DEWAR- 5/4-5/8

This week I would like you guys to think about our previous PE rotation and the daily routine. Laps, Warm up, stretching, workout, etc.  I would like you to think about how to can keep some elements of our previous PE routine into YOUR daily routine. 
Laps-map out a little route around the house(inside or out) and see how many times you can do it in a minute. Try to do even better the next day or set up a new course all together.
Warm ups-a little jog in place for a minute to get the body loosened up. Tag with a sibling??
Stretching- hamstrings(reach for your toes), groin (butterfly), quadriceps (tuck one leg behind you and lean back slowly), gluteus maximus (both legs out front, cross one over the other, squeeze your knee), calf (press against the wall, keep back heel on the floor). 
Workout- I have you covered ;) I will be posting workouts each week for you guys to complete on your own. 
This Week (Assignments): 
-Respond to the following questions (email responses):
How can you keep elements of our previous PE routine into your daily routine? 
What have you been doing to stay active over Spring Break?
-Workout- see workout below.
Workout #1- 10-15mins at least 2x this week.
-Jumping Jacks (1min)
-Standing Steam Engines- While standing. Alternate touching left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee. (1min)
-Squats (1min)
-Burpees (1min)
-Superman (30sec 2x, 10 second break)
-Plank (1min)
-Rest (1min)
-Jump Rope (1 min). No rope needed 
-Standing Calf Raises (1min)-stand on the balls of your feet. press and lift your heels off the ground. 
-Arm Circles Forward (1min)
-Arm Circles Backwards (1min)
-Sit ups (1min)
-Push ups (30 sec)
-Jumping Jacks (2min)