6th Grade Music week of 2-1

This week begins synchronous learning.  Music will be slightly different than the rest of your classes. Here's what to expect:
M/W and T/Th students: Class from 9:15-10:15AM
We will learn guitars this quarter. You will be assigned a guitar which stays at the school. Each group will move at their own pace as a class, meaning M/W may move slower or faster than T/Th.  
Music will not have an online daily live class.
If you're ONLINE ONLY, you will keep up with assignments through Teams.  You'll have FlipGrid assignments starting this week. The first online assignment will be "Getting Started". Online students will play recorder.
If you don't have a recorder: You can come pick up your recorder at the front desk during school hours anytime this week. Again, THIS IS FOR ONLINE ONLY.
Please reach out to me with any questions. [email protected]