Kinder-1st Music Week of 9/7/20

This week, students will be learning about percussion instruments and reviewing string instruments and wind instruments.
We will also be singing and dancing to some new Learning Station songs.  Here are some things students can expect throughout the week and some activities they can do on days we aren't in ZoomClass:
Tuesday: Play your favorite song at least once and sing/dance around.  Make sure to check your activities in the Music folder for SeeSaw.
Wednesday: Zoom class with Mr. Hopson, singing and dancing, and percussion instrument video. Continue doing SeeSaw activities.
Thursday:  Put on a different song that you did on Tuesday and make sure to sing and dance around. Have fun and let loose!  
Friday: Look for a new activity in SeeSaw!  Sing and dance to your favorite Learning Station song that we did this week. Try to memorize the hand motions/dance.