Social Studies Update Week of 2/26/24
Greetings 7th Grade Families!
I would like to remind everyone that we are coming to the end of the grading period for quarter three. Wednesday is the deadline to turn in any late or missing work and Friday grades will be entered. Students should be checking their Infinite Campus at least once a week on Fridays during Advocacy and communicating any late or missing work to you and a their strategy for getting this done.
This week in Social Studies students will prepare and participate in a Socratic Seminar where they will discuss root causes and solutions for the five unresolved issues/barriers to peace between Israel and Palestine. Students will be given a biography of either a Israeli or Palestinian living and working in either Israel, Gaza or the West Bank. Students will read these biographies and complete a series of questions from the perspective of that person. This will prepare them for the Socratic Seminar where they will discuss these issues with their classmates from the point of view of the people they were given.
Please email with any questions or concerns.
Mr. Rowan