Weekly Update - August 20

Welcome to Social Studies! 
  • Students are finishing their Create Your Own Constitution Project by Wednesday and will be presenting on Thursday
  • This is a way for students to work together, compromise, problem-solve and create empathy for what the Founding Fathers went through when they had to create the framework for our new nation.
This year our theme is American History from the Constitution to the Civil War and Reconstruction period.
Quarter 1 focus:
  • Using a pre-assessment to understand what students know about the Constitution
  • Why and how the Constitution was written 
  • The Bill of Rights
  • Learning and using the RACES strategy to develop detailed paragraphs that answer questions using evidence from the text.

Students were each given a planner to use this year to aid in time management and organization.  Each day, they should be copying down the agenda for each class.  This is a great tool to see what's happening daily.  Please encourage your student to maintain this by checking in with them regularly.  Students are also encouraged to track upcoming due dates in their planners.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at [email protected]. I will return your email within 48 hours or two business days.