Weekly Update - August 20

Welcome to Language Arts week number two!
  • This week students will complete their study of the RACES strategy and will be making a classroom anchor chart to use throughout the year.
  • We started our first Article of the Week last week, and will finish this today. This provides great practice reading non-fiction news articles and answering a variety of questions where some are in the text and others require inferring. 
  • We will also begin work on the short story The Scarlet Ibis
This year our theme is Social Justice. 
Quarter 1 focus:
  • Using writing sample and other assessments to develop writing groups that will focus on specific writing skills.
  • Learning and using the RACES strategy to develop detailed paragraphs that answer questions using evidence from the text.
  • Reading the short story The Scarlet Ibis and then writing opening statements about whether we think one of the characters is guilty or innocent and using those statements in a mock trial.

Students were each given a planner to use this year to aid in time management and organization.  Each day, they should be copying down the agenda for each class.  This is a great tool to see what's happening daily.  Please encourage your student to maintain this by checking in with them regularly.  Students are also encouraged to track upcoming due dates in their planners.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at [email protected]. I will return your email within 48 hours or two business days.