Return to Learn
Safe Return to School Plan 2023-2024
The purpose of this Plan is to define how Westgate Community School will maximize in-person learning opportunities to the greatest extent possible during the 2023-24 school year, while also taking prudent steps to keep our students, staff, and community safe by adhering to any applicable public health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Westgate Community School will be offering full time in person learning for all students in grades K-12 for the 23-24 school year. Remote learning will be made available should school issued quarantine orders be in effect. We understand that some families may prefer an online learning environment during the pandemic, and we encourage those families to seek Five Star Online being offered by Adams 12 Five Star Schools.
This Plan is based on available public health information and feedback from staff, students, and the community. The plan may be adjusted based on newly available data and guidance from public health officials. We want to ensure and maintain the education and health of the entire Westgate community.
- In-Person Learning will be offered for all Westgate students.
- Remote/Online learning options are NOT available aside from during school issued quarantine orders.
Westgate Community School will return to a traditional calendar and daily school schedule for the 2023-24 school year. This includes in-person learning five days a week. Students are grouped by split-grade level teams and will learn, recreate, transition and eat together. High school students will resume in-person learning at Front Range Community College.
Teachers will have tools and trainings to diagnose and monitor student learning needs and address any academic slide or learning gaps that have happened during the pandemic. Teachers will use a variety of assessments to identify, monitor and fill any learning gaps. Should a need arise to transition to remote learning, teachers and students will be prepared with resources for a seamless transition. This will include the use of online learning resources as well as the hardware (laptops and/or hotspots) necessary to continue learning.
Westgate will continue to offer food service for in-person learning. School lunches are free under the Healthy Meals for All program and must be ordered ahead of time. All food service staff will follow cleaning and disinfecting protocols aligned with Centers for Disease Control Cleaning/Disinfecting School Guidance and will wear gloves during food preparation and service. Students will continue to eat in classrooms. Classroom tables are cleaned prior to eating lunch.
Westgate Community School students may utilize transportation provided by Adams 12, or another school/district for field trips or activities. All students utilizing school provided transportation will be required to comply with all safety measures implemented by the provider of the transportation. This includes transportation for High School students to Front Range Community College.
Special Populations staff seek to meet the unique needs of all students at Westgate Community School and includes Special Education, Gifted and Talented, Student Services (504), Health Services, and English Language Learning. This department works diligently to consider and plan to equitably serve the diverse needs of all students. The respective Special Populations staff are committed to working with families to answer questions, resolve concerns, and problem-solve barriers to a student’s access and success and capitalize on the strengths of our students.
Westgate Community School will continue to engage staff, students and families. These will include staff meetings and trainings, Friday Community Connect calls, Board meetings, and additional communications from the School. Westgate wants to ensure the community and all stakeholders are well informed and have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify information.
Westgate Community School has collected and publicly shared stakeholder input on return to learn plans throughout the pandemic. Stakeholders have had the opportunity to engage with both school administration and the Board of Directors during the planning process. The following engagement opportunities have been offered to the Westgate community:
- Board of Directors Meetings-All Board of Directors meetings provide an opportunity for public comment. Board agendas and minutes are available on the website.
- Friday Community Connects- Live webinars where Westgate families interact directly with the Executive Director. The recordings are posted on the Westgate Wild YouTube channel and are linked on the website for on demand viewing.
- Surveys-surveys were conducted throughout the year to collect information on families needs and wants around learning plans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This plan will be formally reviewed at minimum every 6 months through the ARP ESSER III period (September 30, 2024). The next formal review of this plan will take place at the August 2023 Board of Directors meeting.
The following sections provide details on guidance and requirements specific to each topic below.
- Public Health and Layered Prevention Strategies
- Academics
- Student Support Services
- Operations
- Learning Services
- Gifted and Talented
1. Public Health and Layered Prevention Strategies
1. Public Health and Layered Prevention Strategies
Westgate Community School will continue to collaborate with Adams 12 Five Star Schools and Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for our students and staff. We will focus on and require the additional COVID-19 health mitigation strategies listed below.
Westgate Community School will collaborate with Tri-County Health Department as well as follow CDPHE guidance on community risk and phased prevention. Tri-County Health department will be consulted about preventative actions including the need to quarantine.
1.1 Vaccines
- Westgate Community School encourages all eligible individuals to receive the COVID-19 vaccine
- Westgate will share resources with staff and families on how and where to receive a vaccine
1.2 Facial Coverings and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Face Coverings
- Masks covering nose and mouth are optional for all students, staff and visitors to the building
- Face coverings will not be required during recess or outdoor activities
- Gloves
- Provided for cleaning/disinfecting/sanitizing surfaces or objects
- Plexiglass Partitions
- Available for designated uses
- Thermometers
- Provided to screen students/staff/visitors as necessary
1.3 Group Gatherings and Social Distancing Requirements
- If or when state or local public health orders limit the size of group gatherings, Westgate will follow the orders and make adjustments as necessary.
- Social Distancing Expectations:
- Maintain as much distance as feasible between individuals.
- Social distancing reminders placed around the campus
1.4 Screening Testing
- Westgate provides resources for staff and families looking for outside testing
1.5 Ventilation
- Westgate has installed Oransi mod HEPA Air Purifiers in classrooms, community spaces, and office spaces
- HVAC system maintenance will continue
1.6 Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette
- Hand Washing/Hand Sanitizing
- Hand washing is always the preferred choice, however, when not possible, all classrooms and common areas are supplied with hand sanitizer.
- All students sanitize hands before returning to classrooms for lunch
- Hand washing protocol reminders are posted in restrooms
- Washing/sanitizing times are implemented throughout the day, including, but not limited to: entering/exiting the building, entering/exiting classrooms, before/after eating, before/after recess, or touching the face, after handling shared objects and after coughing/sneezing/blowing nose.
- Students are reminded about appropriate respiratory etiquette including covering coughs and sneezes
1.6 Symptom Screening and Staying Home When Sick
- Students, staff and visitors are asked to self-screen for symptoms before arriving at the school
- Staff and families have been provided with resources to determine when to stay home
- Westgate follows CDC guidance to determine when quarantines and/or isolation may be required and the associated timelines
- Isolation and Quarantine
- Symptomatic staff and students will be assessed using CDPHE’s Addressing Symptoms at School guidance and appropriate actions taken
1.7 Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Cases
- Westgate will coordinate with Adams County Health Department on any confirmed or suspected positive cases. Students and staff who test positive will be required to follow individual isolation/quarantine procedures per public health guidance.
- Westgate admin team will consult with Adams County Health Department on any required contact tracing
- Westgate admin team will consult with Adams County Health Department to determine any required quarantines on a case-by-case basis
1.8 Cleaning and Disinfection
- Cleaning practices will be focused on cleaning for health, which includes an emphasis on disinfecting surfaces where bacteria or viruses are most likely to be transmitted
- Day porter will clean and disinfect high touch surfaces including handrails, door handles, light switches, etc throughout the day
- Restrooms will be cleaned throughout the day
- Tables in classrooms are cleaned and disinfected prior to lunch
References and Resources
2. Academics
2. Academics
Westgate Community School is committed to an instructional model that focused on solid instructional practices that ensure optimum learning opportunities for all students. Westgate strives to offer in-person learning for the duration of the 2023-24 school year. School staff will be expected to provide in-person learning and support remote learning when necessary.
2.1 Westgate Community School will partner with our students and families to support students’ learning when returning to school in the fall.
2.2 We will support educators’ fall planning and instructional needs with professional learning,
resources and supports to:
- Develop plans to help students start the school year with strong relationships, routines, and expectations necessary for success in the in-person learning environment and sustain those relationships and learning throughout the school year.
- Create flexible learning expectations and timelines to utilize multiple ways for students to share their learning through assignments, tasks, and projects.
- Review and provide meaningful feedback on student work to adjust instruction
- Meet individual student needs through differentiated instruction. Westgate will provide training and resources for teachers on differentiation.
- Identify anticipated student learning gaps and strategies to close them
- Prioritize foundational literacy and math skills, Colorado READ Act compliance to catch-up struggling readers and the best developmental instructional practices in any learning environment
- Support student learning interests and needs to ensure career and college readiness for middle and high school levels aligned to Colorado graduation requirements.
2.3 Westgate Community School is committed to equity and will continue to provide high-quality services and programs for English Language Learners
- Westgate will continue to follow Adams 12 and CDE’s identification of ELL’s, assessment and enrollment procedures in accordance with District, state and federal guidance.
3. Student Support Services
3. Student Support Services
Returning to an in-person learning environment may present challenges for students. To support students in overcoming these challenges, Student Services will continue to provide ongoing resources to families and community members. In either an in-person or remote environment, Student Services will continue to provide schools with the protocols and training necessary to support the mental health
3.1 Crisis Response and Suicide Prevention
- For students who express concerning language or behaviors while in school, a mental health professional will administer an in-person suicide risk assessment and follow protocols established for in-person interactions.
- For students who express concerning language or behaviors while remote, staff will follow remote suicide risk assessment protocols (provided to all school administrators and mental
health professionals). - All crisis event responses will be made in collaboration with the building level administration using in-person or remote protocols as needed.
- Staff will continue to receive training in mandatory reporting and recognizing signs of distress in students
3.2 504 Support and Compliance
- All 504 support and meeting protocols have been developed for both in-person and remote options.
- On a case-by-case basis, the 504 team will convene to consider individual student needs. As always, a parent may request a review meeting at any time.
3.3 Social-Emotional Learning
As a commitment to our families and students, social emotional learning is a priority for Westgate staff and is a foundational component of our daily programming.
- All students K-12 will continue to engage in daily Advocacy, a dedicated social emotional learning course scheduled at the beginning of the day and once during the day.
- Within Advocacy, students learn skills for self, skills for working with others, and skills for engaging in the larger community. These skills include self-awareness, identifying strengths, bullying prevention, acceptance and respect, empathy, and our participation in the greater good. Additionally, at the high school level, students' social emotional needs will be personalized based on student need.
- Peer Mentoring is a school-wide system available to students who would benefit from student-to-student mentoring.
3.4 Counseling Services
- The mental health team at Westgate consists of two school counselors and one school psychologist.
- Professional learning for counselors supports their ability to continue providing postsecondary workforce and college and career readiness services to students.
- Counselors will support the Westgate community through providing resources, teaching guidance lessons through Advocacy, and individually supporting students.
- Westgate Community School hired an additional Counselor starting in the 2021-22 school year to provide additional mental health supports for students.
4. Operations
4. Operations
The Westgate Community School operations team understands the need to be flexible and respond to the educational model that maximizes in-person instruction and complies with public health guidance. Operations and support groups include the following: Activities, Facilities Management, Food and Nutrition Services and transportation.
The service model for each group may be adjusted or modified depending on the needs of students. The guidelines followed are designed to maintain safe environments and health practices for Westgate Community School students, staff, and community members.
4.1 Activities:
Westgate Community School will continue to promote and support student participation in athletic and activity programs to the extent permitted. Westgate has maintained excellence in the extracurricular programs afforded to our students and will facilitate whatever is necessary to continue.
Westgate Community School will continue to promote and support student participation in athletic and activity programs to the extent permitted. Westgate has maintained excellence in the extracurricular programs afforded to our students and will facilitate whatever is necessary to continue.
4.2 Facilities Management:
The Facilities Department prioritizes the health, safety, and education of Westgate students and staff within the educational environment. In alignment with guidance from public health, facilities will implement cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
The Facilities Department prioritizes the health, safety, and education of Westgate students and staff within the educational environment. In alignment with guidance from public health, facilities will implement cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
4.3 Food and Nutrition Services
Westgate will continue to offer food service for in-person learning. School lunches are free for all students under the Healthy Meals for All program and must be ordered ahead of time. All food service staff will follow cleaning and disinfecting protocols aligned with Centers for Disease Control Cleaning/Disinfecting School Guidance and will wear gloves during food preparation and service. Students will continue to eat in classrooms. Classroom tables are cleaned prior to eating lunch.
Westgate will continue to offer food service for in-person learning. School lunches are free for all students under the Healthy Meals for All program and must be ordered ahead of time. All food service staff will follow cleaning and disinfecting protocols aligned with Centers for Disease Control Cleaning/Disinfecting School Guidance and will wear gloves during food preparation and service. Students will continue to eat in classrooms. Classroom tables are cleaned prior to eating lunch.
4.4 Transportation
Westgate Community School students may utilize transportation provided by Adams 12, or another school/district for field trips or activities. All students utilizing school provided transportation will be required to comply with all safety measures implemented by the provider of the transportation. This includes transportation for High School students to Front Range Community College.
Westgate Community School students may utilize transportation provided by Adams 12, or another school/district for field trips or activities. All students utilizing school provided transportation will be required to comply with all safety measures implemented by the provider of the transportation. This includes transportation for High School students to Front Range Community College.
5. Learning Services
5. Learning Services
The Special Education Department is committed to providing free and appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities in alignment with public health guidelines. Collaboration with families has always been a necessary part of the special education process and continues to be during this time. To address the unique needs of students with disabilities, learning service providers will continue to work collaboratively with families to identify services and accommodations for each student that will be provided through an in-person learning environment, and in a remote setting if needed. Individual Education Plans may be adjusted as needed for the circumstances of the learning environment.
5.1 Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings Westgate Community School is committed to providing families an opportunity to have meaningful participation in the special education process. Whether in-person or an alternative format, such as videoconferencing or by phone, Special Education teams will partner with families to determine the most practical format to conduct IEP meetings in order to have meaningful participation by all team
5.2 Delivery of Special Education and Related Services
Westgate Community School will continue to ensure that students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). We will work to incorporate new health and safety precautions that must also be enacted while providing FAPE to students with disabilities. Because FAPE must now be provided consistent with the need to protect health and safety, there may be disruptions, delays, and/or changes in how services are provided. These potential delays or changes will occur with consistent and regular communication between Westgate and the parents as partners in education.
Even so, it is Westgate’s priority to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to learning experiences. IEPs will continue to be developed and implemented based upon each student’s unique needs.
With all students returning to in-person learning, IEP meetings may be convened to review and update the student’s IEP for the 2022-23 school year. Upon reaching team consensus, a student’s case manager will follow-up with written confirmation (e.g., an IEP Amendment or a Prior Written Notice) regarding the plan for the 2022-23 school year. Such plans may, but are not required, to include contingency remote learning plans should there be future school closures.
5.3 Progress Monitoring and Reporting
The learning services team will have in place consistent data collection and service log procedures for use across learning environments. Collecting data and tracking the provision of services will assist educators and families in determining the effectiveness of instruction provided, student performance on IEP goals/objectives, and assist IEP teams in making any necessary adjustments to instruction. Quarterly updates on the progress the child is making toward meeting the annual goals will continue to be provided.
5.4 Accommodations and Modifications
Accommodations and modifications will be provided regardless of a student’s learning environment. General education and learning service teachers will continue to collaborate in determining the appropriateness and success of a student’s accommodations and/or modifications. The IEP team (general education teachers, learning specialists, related services providers, and families) will work collaboratively to identify alternate solutions if it believes an accommodation and/or modification is not appropriate or successful in a particular setting.
6. Gifted and Talented
6. Gifted and Talented
Westgate’s Gifted and Talented (GT) programming will continue to support our gifted learners and their families as students return to in-person learning. Westgate’s staff will coordinate with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the needs of gifted learners and their families are met.
6.1 Gifted Identification
Westgate’s GT identification process is aligned to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) guidelines that require a complete body of evidence upon applying for identification. Westgate will continue to complete a Universal Screening of all unidentified 2nd graders and 6th graders.
6.2 Advanced Learning Plans
Advance Learning Plans are a key component to guiding the educational planning and decision making for our students. Westgate teachers will collaborate with students and parents to develop strengths-based and standards driven affective and academic goals and utilize the Colorado Department of Education and Adams 12 timeline on ALP submission and progress monitoring.
6.3 Gifted Programming
Westgate Community School is embedding Gifted Best Practices and a Whole Child approach in each class and those methods are supported by Westgate staff members. Individualized gifted support is further supported through Advance Learning Plans. Westgate will continue to focus on and outline best practices to meet the needs of and foster growth for gifted students via differentiated instructional strategies, acceleration, targeted enrichment and intervention, and a focus on social-emotional development.
PDF File of the Westgate Community School Return to Learn Plan