Advocacy Week of February 12th


On Monday (February 12th), we will be exploring how the biscuit has been transformed through the ages through the work of Black chefs and inventors. To support student learning, we will eat biscuits and make butter as a class! Please let us know if you would not like your child to eat any of these items and bring a substitute for them to eat in place. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know as soon as possible. 

Kindness Week

Kindness week is here! For kindness week, the kindergarteners will walk to the bus barn on Wednesday, February 14th and hand deliver cards of appreciation to our bus drivers. You can submit your permission slip here for your child to attend our field trip. Please have your permission slip signed by Tuesday, February 13th. As we will be walking to the Bus Barn, please have your child bring a warm jacket, gloves, beanies, etc. Be prepared for weather if necessary!​

Interrupting Chickens

After our chex-mix celebration, students voted to have a pajama day for when they earn their next check-mark goal. We are very close to achieving this goal, so please be on the lookout for my email to inform you when students should wear their pajamas and bring in one stuffed animal. Wahoo!