Weekly Update August 31st

Welcome back! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and are ready for another week of precalculus!

Classes: Tuesday/Thursday, 11:15 – 11:45 AM

Office Hours: Wednesday (3:00 – 4:00 PM) and Thursday (2:00 – 3:00 PM)

Zoom ID: 987 654 321

*as always, please see Teams for the password.

Weekly Objectives

  1. Students will discuss the uses of the natural logarithm and its applications in science and social studies.
  2. Students will apply  their knowledge of exponents and radicals in order to combine polynomials.

New Assignments (Due 09/07 by 08:00 AM)

  1. Two Do Nows (Precalculus: General. Respond to the do-now posts)
  2. Logarithm Rules and Natural Log practice (Teams: Assignments)
  3. Properties of Polynomials practice (Teams: Assignments)

Late Assignments (10% off after 08/31 at 08:00 AM)

  1. One Do Now (Precalculus: General. Respond to the do-now post)
  2. Precalculus Pretest (Teams: Assignments)
  3. Review: Factoring, Systems of Equations, and Logarithms (Teams: Assignments)