Week 09/03 - 09/06

Last Week: We learned to graph perpendicular lines and used this information to find the shortest distance from a point to a line.
This Week: We will finish our work with perpendicular lines before moving on to circumcenters.
Due by the end of the week: 
11th: Point to Line practice (blue sheet)
10th: Perpendicular line practice (purple sheet)
Last Week: 
11: We learned about the law of sines and its uses in trigonometry.
9: We practiced using sine, cosine, and tangent to solve for missing angles and took a quiz.
This Week: 
11: We will finish our work with the law of sines before moving on to the law of cosines.
10: We will use our knowledge of the three basic trig functions in real-world scenarios.
Due by the end of the week: 
11: Law of Sines practice (two problems)
10: Trig Functions practice