Weekly Update 4/18

Welcome back for fourth quarter! We trust spring break was restful and energizing!  

Prom was a huge success last Thursday and we loved to see so many students come and celebrate in the Westgate way. A special thank you to Jordan for the DJ work and to everyone on student leadership for so many hours of planning and set up to make this year such a success. 

This week is testing week in the high school. If you don’t have testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, stay home and work on your college classes.   

  • Monday – regular classes 

  • Tuesday – SAT for 11th grade (other grades don't come) 

  • Wednesday – PSAT for 9th and 10th (other grades don't come)

  • Thursday - regular classes
  • Friday – CMAS Science for 11th  (regular schedule for other grades)

We’d like to encourage you to add yourself to the mailing list to receive weekly updates for any class your student is currently taking. As the year progresses to a close, content and expectations are, naturally, becoming more rigorous. As is the Westgate way, we will continue our focus on meaningful in-class activities and project-based learning. We encourage you to sign up for our weekly updates to close the communication loop.  

Below are links to staff pages for High School Teachers. There, you can choose what specific class updates to receive. 

We expect students to use the pod judiciously and with teacher permission. Similarly, there should only be one student out of a classroom at a time using the restroom. This lets us manage fire drills and parent calls.  

As a reminder, freshmen can leave campus for lunch this semester if we have a parent consent to leave form. If you haven’t done it yet, ask Mr. Cuevas for one.

New Clubs! Be sure to find your signup sheet after school today, Monday the 8th, in order to pick up a new club or continue your old one!