US History II - 10th Grade

Course Description

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the 1877 to the present. United States History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post Cold War eras. Themes that may be addressed in United States History II include: American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal government, and the study of U.S. foreign policy. The course features an in depth look into eras of social change such as the labor, feminist, and civil rights movements.


US History - Week of 5/24 - 5/28

Hey Folks, 
This is the last week of US History classes. Congratulations on all your hard work this year. Your only assignment is the final and it is due on Friday at 3:00 PM.
Have a great week!

US History - Week of 5/15 - 5/21

Hey Folks! This week we will continue our last topic, Topic 19 America in the 1980’s and 1990’s, by discussing Reagan’s foreign policy, Iran Contra, the Persian Gulf War and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Learning Objectives

Topic 19.3 The End of the Cold War


  • Analyze the ways that Ronald Reagan challenged communism and the Soviet Union.
  • Explain why communism collapsed in Europe and in the Soviet Union.
  • Describe other foreign policy challenges that faced the United States in the 1980s.

Topic 19.4 Foreign Policy After the Cold War


  • Analyze why George H.W. Bush decided to use force in some foreign disputes and not in others.
  • Summarize the Persian Gulf War and its results.

New Assignments Due 5/24

  1. Topic 19.3 The End of the Cold War
  2. Topic 19.4 Foreign Policy After the Cold War

Late Assignments that Close 5/24

  1. Topic 18 Quiz
  2. Topic 19.1 The Conservative Movement Surges
  3. Topic 19.2 The Reagan Revolution

US History - Week of 5/10 - 5/14

Hey Folks! This week we will begin our last topic, Topic 19 America in the 1980’s and 1990’s, by discussing the rise of the new conservative movement and the Reagan Revolution.

Learning Objectives

Topic 19.1 The Conservative Movement Surges


  • Describe the differences between liberal and conservative viewpoints.
  • Analyze the reasons behind the rise of conservatism in the early 1980s.
  • Explain why Ronald Reagan won the presidency in 1980.


Topic 19.2 The Reagan Revolution


  • Analyze Reagan’s economic policies as President.
  • Summarize how Reagan strengthened the conservative movement.
  • Evaluate the steps taken to address various problems in the 1980s and early 1990s.

New Assignments Due 5/17

  1. Topic 18 Quiz
  2. Topic 19.1 The Conservative Movement Surges
  3. Topic 19.2 The Reagan Revolution

Late Assignments that Close 5/17

  1. Topic 18.7 The Ford and Carter Years
  2. Topic 18.8 Foreign Policy Troubles in the Late 70’s
  3. Topic 19 Pre-Quiz

US History - Week of 5/3 - 5/7

Hey Folks! This week we will conclude Topic 18 An Era of Change by discussing the domestic and foreign policy initiatives that closed out the 1970’s under the Ford and Carter administrations.

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.7 The Ford and Carter Years


Evaluate the presidency of Gerald Ford.

Assess the domestic policies of Jimmy Carter.

Analyze how American society changed in the 1970s.

Topic 18.8 Foreign Policy Troubles in the Late 70’s


Compare the policies of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter toward the Soviet Union.

Discuss changing U.S. foreign policy in the developing world.

Identify the successes and failures of Carter’s foreign policy in the Middle East.

New Assignments Due 5/10

  1. Topic 18.7 The Ford and Carter Years
  2. Topic 18.8 Foreign Policy Troubles in the Late 70’s
  3. Topic 19 Pre-Quiz

Late Assignments that Close 5/10

  1. Topic 18.5 Nixon’s Foreign Policy
  2. Topic 18.6 Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

US History - Week of 4/27 - 4/30

Hey Folks! This week we will continue Topic 18 An Era of Change by discussing Nixon’s foreign policy as he opened up relations with China and created dente with the USSR.

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.5 Nixon’s Foreign Policy

Objectives: Explain the thinking behind Richard Nixon’s foreign policy. Define Nixon’s foreign policy toward China and the Soviet Union.

Topic 18.6 Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Objectives: Describe Richard Nixon’s attitude toward “big” government. Analyze Nixon’s southern strategy. Explain the Watergate incident and its consequences.

Explain the thinking behind Richard Nixon’s foreign policy.

Define Nixon’s foreign policy toward China and the Soviet Union.

New Assignments Due 5/3

  1. Topic 18.5 Nixon’s Foreign Policy
  2. Topic 18.6 Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Late Assignments that Close 5/3

  1. Topic 18.3 The Rights Revolution Expands
  2. Topic 18.4 The Environmental Movement

US History - Week of 4/19 - 4/23

Hey Folks! This week we will continue Topic 18 An Era of Change by discussing the Chicano Movement, Cesar Chavez, the American Indian Movement, and the Environmental Movement.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.3 The Rights Revolution Expands


  • Explain how the Latino population grew after World War I.
  • Analyze the Latino and Native American rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Describe the expansion of rights for consumers and the disabled.

Topic 18.4 The Environmental Movement


  • Assess the causes and effects of the environmental movement.
  • Analyze why environmental protection became a controversial issue.

New Assignments Due 4/26

  1. Topic 18.3 The Rights Revolution Expands
  2. Topic 18.4 The Environmental Movement

Late Assignments that Close 4/26

  1. Topic 17 Quiz
  2. Topic 18.1 The Counterculture
  3. Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement

US History - Week of 4/12 - 4/16

Hey Folks! This week we will begin Topic 18 An Era of Change by discussing the Counterculture Revolution and the Women’s Movement. We will talk about Woodstock, the Summer of Love, 2nd Wave Feminism, and the Equal Rights Amendment.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.1 The Counterculture

Objectives: Describe the rise of the counterculture. List the major characteristics of the counter- culture. Evaluate the impact of the counterculture on American values and society.

Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement

Objectives: Analyze how a movement for women’s rights arose in the 1960s. Explain the goals and tactics of the women’s movement. Assess the impact of the women’s movement on American society.

New Assignments Due 4/19

  1. Topic 17 Quiz
  2. Topic 18.1 The Counterculture
  3. Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement

Late Assignments that Close 4/19

  1. Topic 17.3 The War Divides America
  2. Topic 17.4 The Wars End and Affects
  3. Topic 18 Pre-Quiz

US History - Week of 4/5 - 4/9

Hey Folks! This week we will finish Topic 17 and see the conclusion of the Vietnam War. We will look at Nixon’s role in Vietnam, the antiwar movement and the shift in public opinion, and eventual victory by the North Vietnamese.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 17.3 The War Divides America


  • Describe the divisions within American society over the Vietnam War.
  • Analyze the Tet Offensive and the American reaction to it.
  • Summarize the factors that influenced the outcome of the 1968 presidential election.

Topic 17.4 The Wars End and Affects


  • Assess Nixon’s new approach to the war and explain why protests continued.
  • Explain what led to the Paris Peace Accords and why South Vietnam eventually fell to the communists.
  • Evaluate the impact of the Vietnam War on the United States.

New Assignments Due 4/12

  1. Topic 17.3 The War Divides America
  2. Topic 17.4 The Wars End and Affects
  3. Topic 17 Quiz
  4. Topic 18 PreQuiz

Late Assignments that Close 4/12

  1. Topic 17.2 America’s Role Escalates

US History - Week of 3/31 - 4/2

Hey Folks! This week we will continue into Topic 17 as we dive deeper into the Vietnam War. We will look at US escalation in Vietnam, the toll it took on soldiers, the Vietnamese, and attitudes and opinions of the people at home.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 17.2 America’s Role Escalates

Objectives: Identify the factors that caused President Johnson to increase American troop strength in Vietnam. Assess the nature of the war in Vietnam and the difficulties faced by both sides. Evaluate the effects of low morale on American troops and on the home front.

New Assignments Due 4/5

  1. Topic 17.2 America’s Role Escalates

Late Assignments that Close 4/5

  1. Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam Part B

US History - Week of 3/15 - 3/17

Hey Folks! This week we will continue into Topic 17 and begin studying the Vietnam War. We will look at what events led to the US involvement in Vietnam, how the war escalated, and the toll it took on soldiers, the Vietnamese, and attitudes and opinions of the people at home.

Learning Objectives

Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam Part B

Objectives: Describe the reasons that the United States helped the French fight the Vietnamese. Identify ways in which the United States opposed communism in Southeast Asia. Analyze how the United States increased its involvement in Vietnam.

Topic 17.2 America’s Role Escalates

Objectives: Identify the factors that caused President Johnson to increase American troop strength in Vietnam. Assess the nature of the war in Vietnam and the difficulties faced by both sides. Evaluate the effects of low morale on American troops and on the home front.

New Assignments Due 3/22

  1. Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam Part B
  2. Topic 17.2 America’s Role Escalates

Late Assignments that Close 3/22

  1. Topic 16.5 Reform Under Johnson
  2. Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam Part A
  3. Topic 16 Quiz
  4. Topic 17 Pre Quiz

US History - Week of 3/8 - 3/12

Hey Folks! This week we will conclude Topic 16 by discussing the domestic reforms of the Johnson administration and his “Great Society” policies and then swing right into Topic 17 and begin our Unit on the Vietnam War. In 17.1 we will be talking about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Berlin Wall.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 16.5 Reform Under Johnson

Objectives: Evaluate Johnson’s policies up to his victory in the 1964 presidential election. Analyze Johnson’s goals and actions as seen in his Great Society programs. Assess the achievements of the Great Society.

Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam Part A

Objectives: Explain the steps Kennedy took to change American foreign policy. Analyze the causes and effects of the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Assess the results of the Berlin Crisis and other foreign-policy events of the 1960s.

New Assignments Due 3/15

  1. Topic 16.5 Reform Under Johnson
  2. Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam Part A
  3. Topic 16 Quiz
  4. Topic 17 Pre Quiz

Late Assignments that Close 3/15

  1. Topic 16.3 Successes and Setbacks
  2. Topic 16.4 Kennedy’s Reforms

US History - Week of 3/1 - 3/5

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 16 and discuss the March on Selma, Freedom Summer, and militant groups of the Civil Rights Movement. We will also look at the reforms of the Kennedy Administration.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 16.3 Successes and Setbacks

Objectives: Explain the significance of Freedom Summer, the march on Selma, and why violence erupted in some American cities in the 1960s. Compare the goals and methods of African American leaders. Describe the social and economic situation of African Americans by 1975.

Topic 16.4 Kennedy’s Reforms

Objectives: Discuss the election of 1960. Evaluate Kennedy’s domestic policies. Assess the impact of the Kennedy assassination.

New Assignments Due 3/8

  1. Topic 16.3 Successes and Setbacks
  2. Topic 16.4 Kennedy’s Reforms

Late Assignments that Close 3/8

  1. Topic 15 Quiz
  2. Topic 16 Pre Quiz
  3. Topic 16.1 The Civil Rights Movement Strengthens
  4. Topic 16.2 The Movement Surges Forward

US History - Week of 2/22 - 2/26

Hey Folks! This week we begin Topic 16 and dive into the Civil Rights Movement. Among other topics, we will be discussing Rosa Parks, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Dr. King, and the historic March on Washington.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 16.1 The Civil Rights Movement Strengthens

Objectives: Describe efforts to end segregation in the 1940s and 1950s. Explain the importance of Brown v. Board of Education. Describe the controversy over school desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas. Discuss the Montgomery bus boycott and its impact.

Topic 16.2 The Movement Surges Forward

Objectives: Describe the sit-ins, freedom rides, and the actions of James Meredith in the early 1960s. Explain how the protests at Birmingham and the March on Washington were linked to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Summarize the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

New Assignments Due 3/1

  1. Topic 15 Quiz
  2. Topic 16 Pre Quiz
  3. Topic 16.1 The Civil Rights Movement Strengthens
  4. Topic 16.2 The Movement Surges Forward

Late Assignments that Close 3/1

  1. Topic 15.6 Mass Culture in the 1950’s
  2. Topic 15.7 Social Issues of the 1950’s

US History - Week of 2/17 - 2/19

Hey Folks! This week we conclude Topic 15 by discussing mass culture of 1950’s, the “nuclear family,” the rise of the American middle class and the suburbs, and resistance to the values of the 1950’s.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 15.6 Mass Culture in the 1950’s

Objectives: Examine the rise of the suburbs and the growth of the interstate highway system. Explain the causes and effects of prosperity in the 1950’s on consumers. Discuss postwar changes in family life. Describe changes in education in the postwar period. Describe the rise of new forms of mass culture.

Topic 15.7 Social Issues of the 1950’s

Objectives: Summarize the arguments made by critics who rejected the culture of the 1950’s. Describe the causes and effects of urban and rural poverty. Explain the problems that many minority groups faced in the postwar era.

New Assignments Due 2/22

  1. Topic 15.6 Mass Culture in the 1950’s
  2. Topic 15.7 Social Issues of the 1950’s

Late Assignments that Close 2/15

  1. Topic 15.3 The Cold War Intensifies
  2. Topic 15.4 Cold War Fears at Home
  3. Topic 15.5 Post War Prosperity

US History - Week of 2/8 – 2/12

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 15 by discussing aspects of 1950’s Cold War with topics such as McCarthyism, the 2nd Red Scare, Mutually Assured Destruction, and Sputnik. We will also talk about the post war US economy and the Eisenhower presidency.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 15.3 The Cold War Intensifies

Objectives: Describe how Cold War tensions were intensified by the arms race between the US and USSR. Explain how Eisenhower’s response to communism differed from that of Truman. Analyze the impact on the US of significant international Cold War conflicts. Describe how Cold War tensions were intensified by the space race.

Topic 15.4 Cold War Fears at Home

Objectives: Describe the efforts of President Truman and the House Un-American Activities Committee to fight communism at home. Explain how domestic spy cases intensified fears of communist influence in the US government. Analyze the rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the methods of McCarthyism.

Topic 15.5 Post War Prosperity

Objectives: Describe how the United States made the transformation to a booming peacetime economy. Discuss the growth of the Sunbelt and the effects of migration. Describe the changes in the US economy in the postwar period. Discuss the accomplishments and leadership qualities of Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

New Assignments Due 2/15

  1. Topic 15.3 The Cold War Intensifies
  2. Topic 15.4 Cold War Fears at Home
  3. 15.5 Post War Prosperity

Late Assignments that Close 2/15

  1. Topic 14 Quiz
  2. Topic 15 Pre Quiz
  3. Topic 15.1 The Beginnings of the Cold War
  4. Topic 15.2 The Korean War