US History II - 10th Grade

Course Description

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the 1877 to the present. United States History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post Cold War eras. Themes that may be addressed in United States History II include: American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal government, and the study of U.S. foreign policy. The course features an in depth look into eras of social change such as the labor, feminist, and civil rights movements.


US History - Week of 2/1 - 2/5

Hey Folks! This week we start Topic 15 and begin by discussing the birth of the Cold War and the Korean War. We will also discuss the division of Germany by the Allies, the Marshal Plan, and the Berlin Airlift.

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 15.1 The Beginnings of the Cold War

Objectives: Trace the reasons that the wartime alliance between the US and USSR unraveled. Explain how President Truman responded to Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe. Describe the causes and results of Stalin’s blockade of Berlin.

Topic 15.2 The Korean War

Objectives: Explain how Mao Zedong and the communists gained power in China. Describe the causes and the reasons for US involvement in the Korean War. Identify the long-term effects and outcomes of the Korean War.

New Assignments Due 2/8

  1. Topic 14 Quiz
  2. Topic 15.1 The Beginnings of the Cold War
  3. Topic 15.2 The Korean War

Late Assignments that Close 2/8

  1. Topic 14.6 The Allies Win the War
  2. Topic 14.7 The Holocaust
  3. Topic 14.8 Impact of World War II

US History - Week of 1/25 - 1/29

Hey Folks! This week we will conclude our unit on World War II and will be discussing how the war ended, the atrocities of the Holocaust, and how the war changed the US’s position in the world and its role for the future.


Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 14.6 The Allies Win the War

Objectives: Analyze the planning and impact of the invasion of Normandy. Understand how the Allies achieved final victory in Europe. Explore the reasons president Truman decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan.

Topic 14.7 The Holocaust

Objectives: Trace the roots and progress of Hitler’s campaign against the Jews. Explain the goals of Hitler’s “final solution” and the nature of Nazi death camps. Examine how the United States responded to the Holocaust.

Topic 14.8 Impact of World War II

Evaluate the goals that Allied leaders set for the postwar world. Describe the steps that the United States and other nations took toward international cooperation. Explain the impact of WWII on the postwar US.

New Assignments Due 2/1

  1. Topic 14.6 The Allies Win the War
  2. Topic 14.7 The Holocaust
  3. Topic 14.8 Impact of World War II
  4. Topic 14 Quiz

Late Assignments that Close 2/1

  1. Topic 14.4 A War on Two Fronts
  2. Topic 14.5 The Home Front

US History - Week of 1/19 - 1/22

Hey Folks! This week we will be continuing our unit on World War II and will be discussing how the US prepared for war, fighting a war in both Europe and the Pacific, and what life was like at home during the war.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 14.4 A War on Two Fronts

Objectives: Analyze the reason for and impact of the Allies’ “Europe First” strategy. Explain why the battles of Stalingrad and Midway were major turning points in the war. Discuss how the Allies put increasing pressure on the Axis in North Africa and Europe.

Topic 14.5 The Home Front

Objectives: Examine how the need to support the war effort changed American lives. Analyze the effects of the war on civil liberties for Japanese Americans and others. Explain how WWII increased opportunities for women and minorities.

New Assignments Due 1/25

  1. Topic 14.4 A War on Two Fronts
  2. Topic 14.5 The Home Front

Late Assignments that Close 1/25

  1. Topic 14.1 Rise of Aggressive Dictators
  2. Topic 14.2 America Debates Involvement
  3. Topic 14.3 The United States Enters World War II

US History - Week of 1/11 - 1/15

Hey Folks! This week we will be beginning our unit on World War II and will be exploring the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe, compare and contrast interventionist and isolationist viewpoints in the US, and discuss how the US entered the war. 

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 14.1 Rise of Aggressive Dictators

Objectives: Explain the rise of dictatorships in the Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, and Japan in the 1930’s. Summarize the acts of aggression by Italy, Germany, and Japan. Analyze the responses of Britain, France, and the US to the aggressive regimes.

Topic 14.2 America Debates Involvement

Objectives: Understand the course of the early years of WWII in Europe. Describe FDR’s foreign policy in the mid-1930’s and the great debate between interventionists and isolationists. Explain how the US became more involved in the conflict.

Topic 14.3 The United States Enters World War II

Objectives: Explain why Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbor, and describe the attack itself. Outline how the United States mobilized for war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Summarize the course of the war in the Pacific through the summer of 1942.

New Assignments Due 1/18

  1. Topic 14.1 Rise of Aggressive Dictators
  2. Topic 14.2 America Debates Involvement
  3. Topic 14.3 The United States Enters World War II

US History - Week of 12/7 - 12/11

Hey Folks! Last week of classes for the semester!!! This week we will be wrapping up Topic 13 by taking the Topic 13 quiz and I will be giving you a study guide for you final next week. All late assignments must be turned in by this week if you want to get credit for them. Email me if you are not sure.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

New Assignments Due 12/11

  1. Topic 13 Quiz

Late Assignments Due 12/11

  1. 13.5 Effects of the New Deal
  2. 13.6 Culture During the Depression

US History - Week of 11/30 - 12/4

Hey Folks! This week we will be wrapping up Topic 13 while we discuss the effects of the New Deal on American society and culture during the depression. We will analyze how New Deal policies affected race relations, the leadership of women, and the role culture played in the 1930’s.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548


Weekly Objectives

13.5 Effects of the New Deal

Objectives: Identify the social and political contributions of Eleanor Roosevelt, Frances Perkins, and other women involved in New Deal programs. Explain how the New Deal expanded economic opportunities for racial and ethnic minorities. Analyze how the New Deal changed the shape of American party politics and lessened ethnic and social divisions with American society. Evaluate the effect of the New Deal on the historical role of the federal government and FDR on the presidency.

13.6 Culture During the Depression

Objectives: Trace the growth of radio and the movies in the 1930’s and how both mediums reflected the characteristics and issues of their time. Explain the relationship between the New Deal and the arts. Describe the major themes of literature of the Depression era.

New Assignments Due 12/7

  1. 13.5 Effects of the New Deal
  2. 13.6 Culture During the Depression

US History - Week of 11/16 - 11/20

Hey Folks! Last week we covered the causes and beginnings of the Great Depression. This week we compare and contrast Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and look at FDR’s response to the Depression, known as the New Deal, which was some of the most important government policies the nation has ever seen.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 13.3 Two Presidents Respond

Objectives: Contrast Hoover’s Approach to the economic crisis with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s approach. Describe the programs that were part of the first New Deal and the effect on the lives of Americans.

Topic 13.4 The New Deal Expands

Objectives: Analyze the ways that the New Deal promoted social and economic reform and its long-term effects. Explain how New Deal legislation affected the growth of organized labor. Evaluate Roosevelt’s plan to increase the number of US Supreme Court justices on the course of the New Deal.

New Assignments Due 11/23

  1. Topic 13.3 Two Presidents Respond
  2. Topic 13.4 The New Deal Expands

Late Assignments Due 11/23

  1. Topic 12 Quiz
  2. 13.1 Causes of the Great Depression
  3. 13.2 Americans Suffer

US History - Week of 11/19 - 10/13

Hey Folks! This week we begin Topic 13 The Great Depression and the new Deal. This is probably my favorite topic to teach and learn about because it shows how Americans came together to overcome difficulties. We will be learning about the causes of the depression this first week and some of the challenges that the nation faced.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 13.1 Causes of the Depression

Objectives: Identify how weaknesses in the economy in the 1920’s caused the Great Depression. Explain why the stock market crashed in 1929 and the crash’s effect on the economy. Describe how the Great depression deepened in the US and spread overseas. Identify the causes of the Great Depression and discuss how historians differ about them.

Topic 13.2 Americans Suffer

Objectives: Examine the spread of unemployment in America’s cities. Analyze the effects of the Great Depression on Farmers. Analyze the impact of human and geographical factors that created the Dust Bowl. Describe how the Great Depression affected family life and the lives of African Americans and Mexican Americans.

New Assignments Due 11/16

  1. Topic 12 Quiz
  2. 13.1 Causes of the Great Depression
  3. 13.2 Americans Suffer

Late Assignments Due 11/16

  1. 12.5 Government in the 1920’s
  2. 12.6 An Unsettled Society
  3. 12.7 The Roaring Twenties
  4. 12.8 The Harlem Renaissance

US History - Week of 11/2 - 11/6

Hey Folks! This week we finish Topic 12 – World War I and the Roaring 20’s. We will be discussing government of the 20’s, societal unrest, the rise of pop culture, and the Harlem Renaissance.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

12.5 Government in the 1920’s

Objectives: Analyze the policies of Presidents Harding and Coolidge encouraged economic growth and prosperity in the 1920’s. Discuss the effects of political scandals, including Teapot Dome, on Harding’s presidency. Explain the role that the US played in the world during the 1920’s.

12.6 An Unsettled Society

Objectives: Compare economic and cultural life in rural America to that in urban America. Analyze how foreign events after World War I and nativism contributed to the first Red Scare. Analyze the causes and effects of changes in US immigration policy in the 1920’s. Describe the goals and motives of the KKK in the 1920’s. Analyze the intended and unintended effects of Prohibition.

12.7 The Roaring Twenties

Objectives: Describe how increased leisure time and technological innovations led to a widespread shared popular culture in the 1920’s. Analyze the changing role of women in the 1920’s. Describe how the concept of modernism shown in art and literature reflected postwar disillusionment.

12.8 The Harlem Renaissance

Objectives: Analyze how the Great Migration and the philosophies of Marcus Garvey affected African Americans in the 1920’s. Trace the development of jazz and its impact on American society and the rest of the world. Discuss the themes explored by writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance.

New Assignments Due 11/9

**5. They Shall Not Grow Old Questions Due on Wednesday 11/4**

  1. 12.5 Government in the 1920’s
  2. 12.6 An Unsettled Society
  3. 12.7 The Roaring Twenties
  4. 12.8 The Harlem Renaissance

Late Assignments Due 11/9

  1. 12.2 The Home Front During World War I
  2. 12.3 The End of World War I
  3. 12.4 The Post War Economy Boom

US History - Week of 10/26 - 10/30

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 12 – World War I and the Roaring 20’s. We will be discussing the end of WWI, Wilson’s 14 Points, and begin the 1920’s.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

12.2 The Home Front During World War I

Objectives: Analyze how the US government mobilized the public to support the war effort. Describe opposition to WWI and how the federal government responded to it. Analyze the causes and effects of migration and social changes that occurred during WWI.

12.3 The End of World War I

Objectives: Understand the contributions of the American Expeditionary Force to the Allied victory in WWI. Describe the issues raised by President Wilson’s Fourteen Points. Analyze the decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference and included in the Treaty of Versailles. Evaluate the pros and cons of US participation in the League of Nations. Explain why the US Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles.

12.4 The Post War Economy Boom

Objectives: Describe the economic problems the US faced after WWI. Explain the economic growth and prosperity of the 1920’s, including how Henry Ford and the automobile industry helped spark the boom. Analyze the consumer revolution and the bull market of the 1920’s. Compare the different effects of the economic boom on urban, suburban, and rural America.

New Assignments Due 11/2

  1. 12.2 The Home Front During World War I
  2. 12.3 The End of World War I
  3. 12.4 The Post War Economy Boom

Late Assignments Due 11/2

  1. Topic 11 Quiz
  2. Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part I
  3. Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part II
  4. They Shall Not Grow Old Questions

US History - Week of 10/19 - 10/23

Hey Folks! This week we begin Topic 12 – World War I and the Roaring 20’s. We will be focusing this week on the causes of WWI and what led up to US involvement.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 9:00 – 9:45 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part I

Objectives: Identify the causes of WWI. Analyze the impact of technological innovations in weaponry that resulted in the stalemate on the Western Front.

12.1 America Enters World War I Part II

Objectives: Analyze the reasons behind isolationism and neutrality in the United States before 1917. Explain why the United States entered the conflict on the side of the Allies.

New Assignments Due 10/26

  1. Topic 11 Quiz
  2. Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part I
  3. Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part II
  4. They Shall Not Grow Old Questions

Late Assignments Due 10/26

  1. Topic 11.6 The Spanish American War
  2. Topic 11.7 The US Emerges as a World Power

US History - Week of 10/14 - 10/16

Hey Folks! This week we complete Topic 11 America Comes of Age. We will be discussing the Spanish American War, “Big Stick Diplomacy,” Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy under TR, Taft, and Wilson.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 9:15 – 9:45 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 11.6 The Spanish-American War Objectives: Explain the causes of the Spanish-American War. Identify the major battles of the Spanish-American War. Describe the consequences of the war, including the debate over imperialism.

Topic 11.7 The US Emerges as a World Power Objectives: Analyze how economic concerns influenced the Open Door Policy and US relations with Japan. Examine what happened to Puerto Rico and Cuba after the Spanish-American War. Analyze the effects of “Big Stick” diplomacy and “Dollar Diplomacy.” Compare Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy” with the foreign policies of his predecessors.

New Assignments Due 10/19

  1. Topic 11.6 The Spanish-American War
  2. Topic 11.7 The US Emerges as a World Power

US History - Week of 9/28 - 10/2

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 11 America Comes of Age. We will be discussing Teddy Roosevelt and trustbusting, the Taft and Wilson Administrations, and America’s first steps toward the position of a world power.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 9:15 – 9:45 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 11.4 Reformers in the Whitehouse Objectives: Analyze how Theodore Roosevelt influenced the changing relationship between the federal government and private business. Explain the impact of Roosevelt’s actions toward managing the environment. Compare Roosevelt’s policies with Taft’s and Wilson’s. Describe Wilson’s efforts to regulate the economy. Assess the legacy of the Progressive Era.

Topic 11.5 American Influence Grows Objectives: Identify the key factors that caused Americans to want to take a greater role overseas. Explain how the US took its first steps toward the position of a world power. Evaluate the acquisition of Hawaii by the US. 

New Assignments Due 10/5

  1. Topic 11.4 Reformers in the White House
  2. Topic 11.5 American Influence Grows

Late Assignments (not acceptable after 10/5 at 8:00 AM)

  1. Topic 11.1 Progressives Drive Reform
  2. Topic 11.2 Women Gain Rights
  3. Topic 11.3 Striving for Equality

US History - Week of 9/21 - 9/25

Hey Folks! This week we start Topic 11 America Comes of Age. We will be discussing The Progressive Era, the 19th Amendment and Women’s Rights, and the move by progressives to make changes for civil rights.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 9:15 – 9:45 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 11.1 Progressives Drive Reform Objective: Analyze the role that journalists and novelists played in the Progressive Movement. Evaluate some of the social reforms that Progressives tackled. Explain what Progressives hoped to achieve through political reform.

Topic 11.2 Women Gain Rights Objective: Analyze actions taken by women to address social issues affecting workers and families. Evaluate the tactics reform leaders used to win passage of the Nineteenth Amendment.

Topic 11.3 Striving for Equality Objectives: Analyze Progressives’ attitudes toward minority rights. Describe the political organizations formed by African Americans to promote civil rights. Examine the actions taken by minority groups to expand their rights.

New Assignments Due 9/28

  1. Topic 9 Quiz
  2. Topic 11.1 Progressives Drive Reform
  3. Topic 11.2 Women Gain Rights
  4. Topic 11.3 Striving for Equality

Late Assignments (not acceptable after 9/28 at 8:00 AM)

  1. Topic 9.4 The New Immigrants
  2. Topic 9.5 - A Nation of Cities
  3. Topic 9.6 – New Ways of Life

US History - Week of 9/14 - 9/18

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 9 and discuss immigration at the turn of the 20th century. We will talk about the development of cities and the new ways of life that technology and the industrial; revolution brought to people. 

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 9:15 – 9:45 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

Topic 9.4 The New Immigrants Objectives: Compare the “new immigrants” of the late 1800’s to earlier immigrants. Explain the push and pull factors leading immigrants to America.

Topic 9.5 - A Nation of Cities Objectives: Analyze urban growth in the late 1800’s. Explain how technology improved city life. Evaluate the problems caused by rapid urban growth and ways that city dwellers tried to solve them.

Topic 9.6 – New Ways of Life Objectives: Explain how technology, new types of stores, and marketing changed Americans’ standard of living. Analyze mass culture and education in the late 1800’s. Describe new popular cultural movements in the late 1800’s.

New Assignments Due 9/21

  1. Topic 9.4 The New Immigrants
  2. Topic 9.5 - A Nation of Cities
  3. Topic 9.6 – New Ways of Life

Late Assignments (not acceptable after 9/21 at 8:00 AM)

  1. Topic 9.1 Innovation Boosts Growth
  2. Topic 9.2 Big Business Rises
  3. Topic 9.3 Organized Labor Movement