Ms. Nieto's Language Arts B

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2/10 Weekly Update

This week in ELA we will... 
-Class Discussions regarding 20 Time Blogs. We will look at examples of 4's.
-WWII Presentations
-Start book groups
-Finish Maus Essays

Week of 2/3

This week in Language Arts students will...
-Continue their WWII Presentations
-Start their literature circle novels 
-Introduction to Suitcase Projects

Week of 1/27

This week in ELA we will...
-Finish reading Maus I
-Study Visual Metaphors
-Work on 20 time Blog set up 

1/13 Weekly Update

This week in ELA students will...
Finish prepping for their WWII Topic Presentations
Present WII Topics 
Receive Book Groups
Work on AOTW


Topics and Key Points of Information:


  1. Pearl Harbor (23.3)
    1. American Isolation vs. Intervention
    2. Preparing for War
    3. Japanese motivations for the attack
    4. Attack specifics (areas targeted, damage sustained, wounded and killed)
    5. Conspiracy Theory: How much did FDR know beforehand?
    6. Effects of Pearl Harbor


  1. S. Mobilization for War/ Home Front/Propaganda (23.3/24.4)
    1. Transformation from civilian to war economy
    2. Newly created government agencies
    3. Role of African-Americans, women, Hispanics
    4. Financing the war
    5. Office of War Information
    6. Focus and effectiveness of US Propaganda –especially posters (Share various examples of popular posters and their goals)
    7. Censorship





  1. Major Battles/Campaigns of the European Theater (24.1)
    1. Campaign in North Africa
    2. Battle of Stalingrad
    3. Invasion of Italy
    4. Battle of the Atlantic
    5. D-Day, Invasion of Normandy
    6. Battle of the Bulge


  1. Human Rights and the War:

Internment Camps (24.4)

  1. Justification for camps/Executive Order 9066
  2. Camp life and internees experiences
  3. The Korematsu v S. Supreme Court case

The War and Anti-Semitism (24.2)

  1. Overview/timeline of major events of the Holocaust in Europe
  2. American response to Jewish refugees
  3. Human Rights obligations of global nations


  1. Major Battles/Campaigns of the Pacific Theater (24.1)
    1. Japanese Advance/Bataan Death March
    2. Island-Hopping Strategy
    3. Battle of Coral Sea
    4. Battle of Midway
    5. Battle of Guadalcanal
    6. Battle of Iwo Jima
    7. Battle of Okinawa


  1. Atomic Bomb (24.5)
    1. The Manhattan Project
    2. Pros and Cons to using the atomic bomb
    3. Consequences/aftermath of the atomic bomb
    4. VJ Day


  1. End of WWII (24.5)
    1. Allied Conferences: Yalta and Potsdam
    2. VE Day
    3. US – Soviet relations; beginning of the Cold War
    4. United Nations
    5. Nuremberg Trials (24.2)


Weekly Update 12/2

This week in ELA students will complete the research and rough draft portions of their Unsolved Mystery Research Paper.

Weekly Update 11/18

This week in ELA students will...
-Work on Article of the week
-Prepare for Mock Trail

Weekly Update 11/12

This week in ELA students will...
-Take a timed writing assessment
-Finish Monster
-Prepare for Monster Mock Trial

Weekly Update 11/4

This week in ELA students will...
-Continue reading the book Monster by finding key details
-Filling in their investigative journal
-Reading aloud 
-Work on citing information

Weekly Update 10/28

This week in Literacy we will...
-Start on new article of the week
-Continue reading monster and taking investigative notes
-Begin creating theories