7th/8th Grade PE Elective


Office Hours Thursday 9-10am

Phillip Wise is inviting you to a  Zoom meeting.
Topic: Office Hours
Email for link and password to join!

Office Hours- Tuesdays 9-10am

Phillip Wise is inviting you to a  Zoom meeting.
Topic: Office Hours

Email for the link and password to join!

7/8 PE Q4 Week 1- 4/6-4/10

This week I would like you guys to take some time to think about how to get yourself into a health building routine.  
How are you going to manage the time in your day?
What is your daily routine going to look like?
How are you going to get through all your assignments?
How are you going to find the time to exercise each day?
What type of exercises are you wanting/able to do?
Are you going to exercise in the morning when you first get up or some other time of the day?
How are you going to stay physically active during these difficult times? 
How can you make sure to fit exercise into your daily routine?
This week (Assignments): 
-Respond to the questions above. Email me your answers. 
-Workout 15-20mins (see below)
Workout #1- 10-15mins at least 2x this week.
-Jumping Jacks (1min)
-Standing Steam Engines- While standing. Alternate touching left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee. (1min)
-Squats (1min)
-Burpees (1min)
-Superman (30sec 2x, 10 second break)
-Plank (1min)
-Rest (1min)
-Jump Rope (1 min). No rope needed 
-Standing Calf Raises (1min)-stand on the balls of your feet. press and lift your heels off the ground. 
-Arm Circles Forward (1min)
-Arm Circles Backwards (1min)
-Sit ups (1min)
-Push ups (30 sec)
-Jumping Jacks (2min)
Please email me with any questions you have. I will continue to add assignments for the coming weeks. Do not stress about seeing future weeks assignments posted. Just take it day by day and try to get into a healthy routine. 
'You don't have to do it all, just do the next thing' 
-Zach Fowler

7/8 3/16-3/19

Find an at home youtube workout that, either requires no equipment, or that you have the equipment for. Complete the workout and give me a 3-4 sentence summary of what you did, was it cardio or strength building, and was it a good workout? How do you know? 

Week 4-March 9-March 13

Students will be ice skating this week. We will be joined by the Apex Rec Center coaches who will be teaching the students how to skate. 
Please make sure you wear appropriate socks!!

Conference Sign Up!!

If you would like to come talk with the specials teachers during conferences. Please visit Mr. Hopson's class page and use the link to sign up for an available time slot! 
Hope to see you soon! 


This week we will be playing some small sided tchoukball games. Working to understand how our positioning on the field affects the teams ability to move the ball forward. We will also be playing some hockey. On Thursday, we will be talking about the importance of sleep, watching a TedTalk, and reflecting on the human superpower that is sleep. 

7/8 Week 3- 1/27-1/31

This week we will start playing some of the games the students designed/created. On Tuesday, the students will be participating in our second pacer test of the quarter. On Wednesday the students will be playing a game of soccer working to keep their heart rates in the zone of 70-100% of their max heart rate. On Thursday, they will be finishing up their college research projects working to understand what it will take out of them to get into the college of their choice. On Friday, we will be voting on a full class activity. 

Please Read!

Dear Families,

We are asking for your help in raising awareness of Westgate Community School.  Specifically, we’d like you to tell your Westgate story on the social media channels you use.  As you know, we are a small charter school and we’ve found that many new families don’t consider Westgate because they don’t know we exist.  Being able to consider all the choices available allows families to make an informed decision regarding the best educational fit for their student.  

Westgate is now on Nextdoor and you can leave comments at https://nextdoor.com/pages/westgate-community-school-thornton-co/recommend/

In recognition of your efforts, we are giving a drawstring bag to any family who sends a screenshot of their post/recommendation to [email protected]

If you receive feedback requesting a point of contact at the school, please ask them to contact Ms. Rochelle Goforth at 303-452-0967 or via email at [email protected].  Rochelle can answer any questions and coordinate tours.

Thanks for supporting our community.

Sharon Collins
Executive Director

7/8 Week 2- 1/20-1/24

This week we will be finishing up the drafting of our Design Your Own Game. Students will running through a 'mock' game play situation and working out the kinks in their game design. Once these are finished we will begin taking the time to play these games and give feedback to the group who designed the game. On Wednesday, the students will be working through their Wild Ladder workout with a goal of 24 minutes in the performance heart rate zone. In health, students will continue their college research project. 

7/8 Week 3- 10/28-11/1

This week we will continue with our team sports. We will be playing Kickball, Soccer, and Hockey this week. On Wednesday, the students will be participating in our station workout with a goal of 26minutes in the performance heart rate zone. In health students will continue to work on their health projects either around making health enhancing decision around drugs alcohol and tobacco or identifying how media, peers, culture, and family influence our eating choices. 

7/8 Week 2- 10/21-10/25

This week on Monday we will be going for a 22minute walk/jog around the building. If a student completes 1 lap in 22minutes they will earn a 1. If students complete 2 laps, they will earn a 2...On Tueday, we will be playing some small sided tchoukball games. On Wednesday, students will be rotating through our TABATA workout stations with a goal of 23minutes 70-100% of their max heart rate. In health we will start talking about the project that they will be working on for the next 4 weeks. 

7/8 Week 7-9/16-9/20

This week we will be starting our design your own game unit. Students will be placed in 5 different groups and be given the challenge of coming up with their own type of game. Students will be working to develop these games and then testing them out on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday students will be participating in p90x with a goal of 28minutes in the performance heart rate zone. In health we will be talking about stress and creating a stress management plan.