5th/6th Grade PE Class


Office Hours Thursday 9-10am

Phillip Wise is inviting you to a  Zoom meeting.
Topic: Office Hours
Email for link and password to join!

Office Hours- Tuesdays 9-10am

Phillip Wise is inviting you to a  Zoom meeting.
Topic: Office Hours

Email for the link and password to join!

PE MANNING Week 1- 4/6-4/10

This week I would like you guys to think about our previous PE rotation and the daily routine. Laps, Warm up, stretching, workout, etc.  I would like you to think about how to can keep some elements of our previous PE routine into YOUR daily routine. 
Laps-map out a little route around the house(inside or out) and see how many times you can do it in a minute. Try to do even better the next day or set up a new course all together.
Warm ups-a little jog in place for a minute to get the body loosened up. Tag with a sibling??
Stretching- hamstrings(reach for your toes), groin (butterfly), quadriceps (tuck one leg behind you and lean back slowly), gluteus maximus (both legs out front, cross one over the other, squeeze your knee), calf (press against the wall, keep back heel on the floor). 
Workout- I have you covered ;) I will be posting workouts each week for you guys to complete on your own. 
This Week (Assignments): 
-Respond to the following questions (email responses):
How can you keep elements of our previous PE routine into your daily routine? 
What have you been doing to stay active over Spring Break?
-Workout- see workout below.
Workout #1- 10-15mins at least 2x this week.
-Jumping Jacks (1min)
-Standing Steam Engines- While standing. Alternate touching left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee. (1min)
-Squats (1min)
-Burpees (1min)
-Superman (30sec 2x, 10 second break)
-Plank (1min)
-Rest (1min)
-Jump Rope (1 min). No rope needed 
-Standing Calf Raises (1min)-stand on the balls of your feet. press and lift your heels off the ground. 
-Arm Circles Forward (1min)
-Arm Circles Backwards (1min)
-Sit ups (1min)
-Push ups (30 sec)
-Jumping Jacks (2min)

5/6 3/16-3/19

Find a workout on youtube that you have the equipment for, or requires no equipment. Complete the workout. Give me a 3-4 sentence summary including what the exercises were, was it an effective workout, how do you know? 
Play catch with an appropriate object. Work on throwing with correct form and with accuracy. 

Week 4-March 9-March 13

Students will be ice skating this week. We will be joined by the Apex Rec Center coaches who will be teaching the students how to skate. 
Please make sure you wear appropriate socks!!

Conference Sign Up!!

If you would like to come talk with the specials teachers during conferences. Please visit Mr. Hopson's class page and use the link to sign up for an available time slot! 
Hope to see you soon! 

5/6 Week 2- 2/24-2/28

This week students will be participating in various catching and throwing challenges working to develop their hand eye coordination as well as their ability to throw to and catch a moving target. We hope to start our handball unit as well. On Wednesday, the students will be participating in a station workout with a goal of 23minutes in the performance heart rate zone. In health we will be talking about self compassion and doing a little self compassion activity reflecting on what we like about our selves and others. 

5/6 Week 1- 2/19-2/21

This week we will be starting with some teambuilding activities that challenge the students to use clear and concise verbal communication. On Wednesday, the students will be hosting a representative from SpeedStacks cup stacking. Students will learn how to cup stack and all the benefits of developing these motor skills. In health we will be writing uplifting letters to ourselves reflecting on what it is we like about ourselves. 

5/6 Week 4- 2/3-2/7

This week we will be starting our handball/tchoukball unit. Students will be playing some small sided high intensity handball and tchoukball games working to develop their ability to throw and catch a moving target as well as how to properly position yourself on the playing field to give you team the best chance of success. On Wednesday the students will be participating in our stations workout with a goal of 24minutes in the performance heart rate zone. In health the students will be creating pamphlets giving tips on easy ways to keep your heart healthy. 

5/6 Week 3- 1/27-1/31

This week we will be continuing our handball unit. Students will be participating in small sided handball games working to develop their ability to throw a ball with accuracy and catch a moving target. On Tuesday we will be doing the pacer test for a grade working to increase our cardiovascular endurance. On Wednesday, the students will be designing their own workout that will keep them in the zone for 24minutes. In health we will be talking mindfulness and how to be present in the moment while learning skills to deal with stress and anxiety. 

Please Read!

Dear Families,

We are asking for your help in raising awareness of Westgate Community School.  Specifically, we’d like you to tell your Westgate story on the social media channels you use.  As you know, we are a small charter school and we’ve found that many new families don’t consider Westgate because they don’t know we exist.  Being able to consider all the choices available allows families to make an informed decision regarding the best educational fit for their student.  

Westgate is now on Nextdoor and you can leave comments at https://nextdoor.com/pages/westgate-community-school-thornton-co/recommend/

In recognition of your efforts, we are giving a drawstring bag to any family who sends a screenshot of their post/recommendation to [email protected]

If you receive feedback requesting a point of contact at the school, please ask them to contact Ms. Rochelle Goforth at 303-452-0967 or via email at [email protected].  Rochelle can answer any questions and coordinate tours.

Thanks for supporting our community.

Sharon Collins
Executive Director

5/6 Week 2- 1/20-1/24

This week we will be starting our Handball unit. Students will be participating in various catching and throwing games to develop these vital skills so that they can successfully participate in our handball tournament. Students will be working to develop their hand eye coordination as was as effectively positioning themselves on the playing field so that they can help their team be successful. On Wednesday, the students will be participating in our Wild ladder workout with a goal of 23minutes in the performance heart rate zone of 70-100% of their max heart rate. In health we will begin talking about self-compassion. 

5/6 Week 3-12/9-12/13

This week we will be wrapping up our soccer unit and playing some Line Soccer. We will also begin our Handball unit. Students will be playing various catching and throwing games to develop their ability to catch and throw with accuracy. On Wednesday the students will be designing their own workouts, with a goal of 26minutes in the performance heart rate goal. In health we will be watching a TedEd talk about Happiness and the connection between grateful people and their levels of happiness.