Literacy - Mrs. Dewar

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How To Access Outlook and OneNote at Home

  1. Go on the internet to:
  2. Sign in with [email protected] and the password is the same as their computer login password at school. 
  3. From the main screen here you can access Outlook and OneNote as two of the app choices.

September 4, 2018- Language Arts

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! This week we will begin the writing process of our personal narratives by beginning our pre-writing. To start us off we will list ten events that have made a difference to us in our lives. Then we will narrow down our list to three choices to possibly write about. Finally by the end of the week we will have our topic chosen for our personal narratives! 
As always please email me with any questions!

August 27, 2018- Language Arts

Hey everyone! Don't forget it's a short week! We will begin our week by reviewing how to write responses using RACES. Then we will go over the writing process and which process we are in with our narrative writing unit. Last week we began our narrative writing unit by reading "The Bike" by Gary Soto. This week we will finish reading the narrative and discuss the elements of the story that make it a narrative. We also begin our first book, Hunger Games and our reading rotations in the afternoon.
As always please email me with any questions!

August 20, 2018-Language Arts

Hey everyone! I am excited to begin our LA class! In the mornings we will be completing most or our writing, whole class discussions, etc. In the afternoons during our 30 minute reading time we will be going through reading rotations. The reading rotations will allow the students to have practice reading and demonstrating comprehension with a variety of different types of texts. Afternoons will also allow more time for the students to read our 5/6 required texts. This year we will be reading Hunger Games and Johnathon Livingston Seagull as our two universal books. We will be starting quarter one out with Hunger Games.
I look forward to reading and writing with you all!
As always please email me with any questions!