Mrs. Dorschner Science

Course Description


Week of 10/22 - 10/26

This week we are finishing up the parts of a plant, and what they all do.  We are also learning about plant adaptations - and will be doing a Mystery Science video/experiment on how apples adapted from one type to the many types we have today. 

Week of 10/15 - 10/19

This week we are continuing our study of plant parts, specifically learning about the importance of seeds, the difference between a science fruit and science vegetable, and how flowers become fruit.  We will also be going on a science-based field trip to Growing Gardens in Boulder. 

Week of 9/24 - 9/26

Now that we know how a plant makes a seed through pollination, we are going to learn how those seeds can leave their plant and go on elsewhere to become their own plant! We will be doing a Mystery Science video and experiment on how seeds travel. 

Week of 9/17 - 9/21

We have officially finished our study of the scientific method! We will be moving on to life cycles this week, specifically starting with plants.  We will learn how a plant moves from a seed to an adult plant, and also what the different parts of the plant are called. 

Week of 9/10 - 9/14

This week we will be finishing up our unit on the Scientific Method, combining all of the steps we have learned - Questions, Hypothesis, Observations, Interpreting Data, and Conclusions.  We will be doing 2 experiments comparing colors and mixing - one with paint and one with light! 

Week of 9/4 - 9/7

This week we will be practicing some listening/quieting skills with some fun activities, as well learning how to interpret data and write conclusions.  At the end of the week we will have another fun experiment to practice these skills on!

Week of 8/27 - 8/30

This week we will continue learning about what it takes to be a scientist, we'll practice making strong predictions and observations, as well as observing a couple different experiments to practice. 

Week of 8/27 - 8/30

This week we will begin working on setting up class routines and norms, including the use of depth and complexity icons, as well as beginning to work on our place value unit.  We will begin with different forms of numbers (word form, expanded form, number form, and base ten form) and identifying place value to the millions place.

Week of 8/20-8/24

This week we will be continuing on with our studying of the scientific method, concentrating no following directions, making predictions, and observations!

Week of 8/13 - 8/17

We start switching for science this week! All 3rd graders will be with me for science.  We will be introducing ourselves, getting to know each other and our classes, going over routines and expectations, learning about different science skills, and imagining ourselves as a scientist!