Mrs. Dorschner Math

Course Description


Every Monday we do Mystery Monday, and some students have asked that I post the problem on my website so that they can show their parents how to work it out! Please feel free to figure out our mystery together! :)

Week of 9/17 - 9/21

This week we will use our knowledge of place value that we have been practicing to learn how to compare numbers.  The expectation is that not only can students tell which number is greater/less/equal, but also be able to explain in words using place value.  

Week of 9/10 - 9/14

This week we will start doing our Mystery Monday workshops - to try and work alone, in pairs, and groups to figure out fun and complex math problems! We will be finishing up our study of place value, and will be moving on to rounding a comparing numbers. 

Week of 9/4 - 9/7

This week we will be finishing up our work on place value, understanding what each of the places actually represent - we will also play some games! We work on place value up to the millions. 

Week of 8/27 - 8/30

This week we will begin working on setting up class routines and norms, including the use of depth and complexity icons, as well as beginning to work on our place value unit.  We will begin with different forms of numbers (word form, expanded form, number form, and base ten form) and identifying place value to the millions place.

Week of 8/20-8/24

This week we will be starting to switch for Math class midway through.  We will mainly be doing get-to-know-you activities, going over routines and expectations, and playing some math games.