7th and 8th Music Class Q4
Welcome back from break!
This quarter, the 7th and 8th grade music class will be performing a concert at the end of the year. The three songs they chose are:
- Free Fallin' by Tom Petty
- The Distance by Cake
- Rosemary by The Deftones
In the process of learning these songs, students will develop skills needed to perform by practicing the correct technique for their chosen instruments. They will learn the process of setting up and taking down equipment, concert etiquette and professionalism, and playing/rehearsing with a group.
The music concepts pracitced and mastered will include:
- Tempo
- Balance
- Rhtyhms (quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and corresponding rests)
- Dynamics (forte, piano, mezzo forte and mp, crescendo/decrescendo)
- Sylistic concepts (staccato, legato)
Students will also have the opportunity to practice and perform their own solos and small groups which will be completed mostly outside of class time.
The date for the concert is not set yet, but will be around the last week of May.