Mr. Hopson, Music, 5/6


5th and 6th Music Q4

Welcome back!
This rotation, students will learn two songs and perform them for each other, using feedback to improve: 
- Don't Worry, Be Happy
- Seven Nation Army (instrumental)
Guitar tuning (test on the last week)
Names of the strings
Chords (G, Am, and C)
Picking a single string
Reading guitar tablature
Rhythms (quarter, eighth, sixteenth and dotted rhythms)
Dynamics and balance
How to play at a steady tempo
How to perform with others
Students will also have the opportunity to play on the marimba, piano, and hand drums as a part of their songs. Each student will prove that they can play the three chords mentioned above, by memory, in order to move to another instrument.
We will also learn the names of the notes on the treble clef and practice writing them on our dry-erase music boards.
Students will also play Rhythm Basketball (a favorite).

5th and 6th Music 2-12-24

This week, students are learning how to tune the strings of their guitars.
This includes learning the names of the strings in order from the top to bottom (E, A, D, G, B, and e).  They are working on Don't Worry, Be Happy - learning the chords and strumming pattern to begin, then moving to drums and playing them together in small groups.
Students will add singing to Don't Worry, Be Happy in their small groups to go along with drums and guitars. They will aim for adding the marimba/piano part next.

5th and 6th Music 1/22/24

This week, students are learning how to tune the strings of their guitars.
This includes learning the names of the strings in order from the top to bottom (E, A, D, G, B, and e).  They are working on Don't Worry, Be Happy - learning the chords and strumming pattern to begin, then moving to drums and playing them together in small groups.
Students will add singing to Don't Worry, Be Happy in their small groups to go along with drums and guitars. They will aim for adding the marimba/piano part next.

5th and 6th Music 1-17-24

This week, students are learning how to tune the strings of their guitars.
This includes learning the names of the strings in order from the top to bottom (E, A, D, G, B, and e).  They are working on Don't Worry, Be Happy - learning the chords and strumming pattern to begin, then moving to drums and playing them together in small groups.

5th and 6th grade music 11-6-23

This week, students will be learning "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles.
This song adds the "C" major chord and uses different strumming patterns. As their groups show me that they can play the chords in order, in time, and using the correct tempo, I will let them get hand drums to add to the song.
If they add the hand drums in the correct spot with the correct rhythms, they get to add the melody on the marimbas/xylophones.
The xylophone melody will require students to recognize treble clef notes, "A, B, C, D, E, and G". They will also be required to recognize and play dotted quarter and dotted half notes along with tied rhythms.
They will perform the song for each other again, using a rubric to get feedback for each group, then change/improve their song based on the feedback.
Common Core Standards:
Theory of music
Expression of music
Creation of music

5th and 6th Grade Music 10-30-23

This week, students will pick up where they left off last week with "Oh, My Darlin'", learning "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles.
This song adds the "C" major chord and uses different strumming patterns. As their groups show me that they can play the chords in order, in time, and using the correct tempo, I will let them get hand drums to add to the song.
If they add the hand drums in the correct spot with the correct rhythms, they get to add the melody on the marimbas/xylophones.
They will perform the song for each other again, using a rubric to get feedback for each group, then change/improve their song based on the feedback.
Common Core Standards:
Theory of music
Expression of music
Creation of music

5th and 6th Grade Music 10-23-23

This week, students are learning "Oh, My Darlin"
They are learning the G and D7 chords and strumming patterns for this song.
Once they master the two chords, the strumming pattern, and playing all of them in the correct tempo, they will add singing and then perform for their classmates. After performing, the "audience" will give feedback (tempo, balance, correct chords, correct strumming) and the group will perform again, trying to fix anything that needed it.
Guitar is the main instrument they're learning and being graded on (chords and strumming), but they will get to choose the other parts as they master the guitar.

5/6 Music 8-21-23

This week, students are learning "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles.
They are learning the G, C, and D7 chords and strumming patterns for this song.
Once they master the three chords, the strumming pattern, and playing all of them in the correct tempo, they will add hand drums and marimbas/pianos for the melody. They will also be singing the verses and chorus.
Guitar is the main instrument they're learning and being graded on (chords and strumming), but they will get to choose the other parts as they master the guitar.
On Wednesday this week, Ms. Charlie is doing an environmental lesson (Sounds Around) with the class on noise pollution. She will be bringing in Claire Dreeson of the city of Thornton to do a lesson about noise pollution using a meter to measure decibels.