Ms. Rosenblatt, Social Studies, 4th Grade, Section B


April 29th-May 3rd

Our Night of the Notables research is in full swing! Students are finishing up their research and are moving on to writing their biographies and creating their timelines. Students should be writing their biographies by the end of the week. If a student is still researching by Friday, I will send an email home with instructions on how to help them not fall behind on this important project. Please email me with any questions!
Reminder: Night of the Notables is on Wednesday, May 15th from 4:00-4:45 pm. 

April 22-26

This week we are taking CMAS ELA. Make sure your student gets a good night's sleep and has something to eat before testing starts. They are going to crush it!
We are also working on our Social Studies Night of the Notables biographies! Students are working hard researching and learning a ton of new information.

April 15th-19th

This week we are taking CMAS Math. Make sure your student gets a good night's sleep and has something to eat before testing starts. They are going to crush it!
We are continuing to work on out Night of the Notables project. Students chose their person last week. We will work on our work cited and biography research. If you would like to do extra research at home, let me know and I can send you what we are working on.

April 8th-12th

Welcome back from spring break! We are pausing our expedition unit and Westgate Expedition to get started on our Night of the Notables project. Students get to research and create a biography for an important/influential person in Colorado (they had to grow up in CO or live there at some point).
An email will be sent home with more details about the project as we get closer.

March 3-5

Students are preparing for their science fair project, so we will not be learning any new content in Social Studies. We will talk about Black History Month and their presentations and how to prepare for the next unit.

February 26-March 1

Students will choose an unsung-hero or important person to create a short biography/presentation for Black History Month. Students will also begin to learn about our Westgate Expedition!

February 20-23

This week we are creating our own maps to identify what was traded during the Columbian Exchange from the New World to the Old World (and vice versa).
Students will discuss how the products that we have today can be linked back to the Columbian Exchange.

February 12-15

We are transitioning our French and Spanish explorers unit into learning about the Columbian Exchange! These next two weeks, students will learn about the positives and negatives that came from the Columbian Exchange, including crops, plants, animals and its connection to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

February 5-9

This week we are finishing up our explorer presentations and comparisons. Then, we are going back to our original discussion from the beginning of the unit: how do we determine if someone is an explorer or a colonizer? Students will write a RACES response answering if they think French and Spanish colonizers should be considered explorers or colonizers. Then, we will have a small class debate!
We will then transition into learning about the Columbian Exchange! Students will learn about trade routes, trading resources, and maps!

January 29-February 2

This week we are starting our unit on French and Spanish Exploration. We will  learn about the word choice of "explorer vs. colonizer" and begin to learn about famous French and Spanish explorers through our mini explorer project. 
This unit prepares us for our next unit that is all about exploration and expeditions!