McGinnis Math Update February 15th

Greetings Families,
I NEED YOUR HELP! Many of our students are struggling in many math skills that they should already know.
The papers that are coming home in Friday Folders include some work that was done in class, partially completed, and blank for practice.
These papers are NOT HOMEWORK, BUT if you could please check in with them on their retention of skills and lessons taught in class, it would help them solidify the lessons.
One of the major challenges I'm trying to overcome is their struggle to remember from one week to the next, one day to the next, what we learned before. Practice should help this.
Included in the papers is a Reteach sheet for each lesson that week to show you how it was taught to them. If they complete this Reteach sheet accurately and bring it back to me, I will improve their grade for that lesson.
As of now, the majority of students are either scoring ones or twos on their exit tickets (the half sheets stapled to the Reteach Sheets). If your student scored a 3 on the Exit Ticket (which is visible in Infinite Campus) they can complete the Enrichment Extension Sheet on the backside of the Reteach to improve their grade to a 4 assuming it's accurate. 
I know that the problem is compounded by low self-efficacy in their ability to do the math. I've reinforced growth mindset language acknowledging that it is challenging, but that they can learn this. Often its hearing them say, "I'm not good at this," or "I can't do this," and asking them to rephrase it by ending the sentence with the word "yet." I believe their low confidence in Math is creating a block in their ability to receive the learning; plainly, they don't even try. They assume they're going to be wrong no matter what. 
Mrs. Cundari is in my classroom twice a week to support me as we work with students in small groups to give them more one on one attention on specific skills. I'm also attending a Math Professional Development that will have me out of the classroom for two days that I hope will equip me with newer methods to help students better internalize the learning and experience authentic growth. 
Thanks for supporting them at home by looking at the work they've done and helping them practice the skills recently taught or any other gaps they may show. For example, one of the challenges they have that make long-division difficult for them is their weakness in subtraction with regrouping. Taking time to check their work and practice, even if it's just for 10 minutes a day would be a huge support. 
I appreciate your partnership in helping me get them to grade level proficiency.  
Best Regards,
Mr. McGinnis