Week 8/14 Math 5th Grade

Last week may have scared them, but I gave them a pre-course test to help me know what they already know about 5th grade math. Thankfully, I have much to teach them this year. I also introduced them to discussing logic problems with peers, something that seems to be new to them as I convince them that math is more than operations and word problems, but that's it's also a way of thinking. 
This week we'll be taking a snap shot of their math skills with MAP Testing and begin lessons using a workshop style that I use to help students get the supports they need while giving them the opportunity to excel at their own pace. There will be more to come on this in detail so that you can support them at home in conversation and as they bring home their progress each week in Friday Folders.
My goal is to give you enough guidance to work with them at home as needed to help them embed the learning. No, there won't be any work assigned to be completed at home, (homework) but there may be work that wasn't completed that they can bring home to complete if the time at school wasn't adequate or used efficiently. I look forward to partnering with you in your child's math growth.