Important Upcoming Dates

Hello families,
We have a few very important upcoming dates! Please read this carefully and email me with any questions.
1. CMAS testing: CMAS testing starts tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16th and lasts through Friday, April 26th. Students need to arrive promptly in the morning! To set them up for success, getting good sleep and a good breakfast really helps kids to focus during testing. Testing both weeks will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. If you have opted out of CMAS, we recommend bringing your student to school after testing is complete (around 11). If they come to school before 11, they will have to wait in the front lobby doing independent work. Mondays and Fridays will be normal days for all students! The school has sent emails out with lots of information about this, please see your email from the school for more details, or contact me.
2. Overnight trip: Our overnight will take place on Thursday, May 2nd. If your student is attending the overnight, you will drop them off at the regular time on Thursday and pick them up on Friday! See my recent email for the permission form as well as some logistical information.
3. Museum Field Trip: date TBD-- I've gotten a few questions about the field trip that was cancelled on our snow day. We are working to reschedule and I will notify you as soon as I know more!
4. Night of the Notables: Night of the Notables, our biggest social studies project of the year, will be taking place on Wednesday, May 15th! You can expect more communication about this project soon. 
Please let me know if you have any questions!