January update and week of 1/29

Hello families!
In the scuffle of returning from break, I've realized I haven't been updating this page! I'll be more consistent moving forward. What you're getting today is an update on January so far, as well as the upcoming week of 1/29.
We've moved into the exciting world of division, and are currently working on understanding factor pairs in order to support our long division skills. We'll be continuing to focus on division, factors and patterns for the next several weeks. 
If you would like to support your student at home and want a refresher on factors, click here.
If you would like to support your student at home and want some fun ways to practice division, click here (some of these would be better in a classroom, but lots could work at home).
If your student wants to use the box method to divide, this article is really helpful. I personally never learned this strategy at school, and I'm sure many of you didn't either, but it works well for students as a step towards long division.
Next week, week of 1/29, we will be starting to work on long division strategies as we move from single to multi-digit division.