Advocacy Week of January 22nd

Hi families! 
This week, we will start our classroom incentive of 'Interrupting Chickens'. On Friday, we read the book 'Interrupting Chicken' feel free to watch a read aloud of this book here, and discussed how we are going to practice raising our hand to share our thoughts and ideas. 
To help us, I have a chicken tally on the whiteboard. Every time, we are interrupting chickens (sharing without raising our hands while Ms. Lubang or others are sharing), I'll cross one of the numbers out. We currently have 10 numbers. 
If there is a number standing by the end of the class (literacy, math, or science), they will get a checkmark for that class! Three checkmarks and they may bring ONE stuffed animal the following day. 
I will email parents when we successfully earn a stuffy day! Please have your student only bring one stuffy that can fit in their backpack. If they need to be reminded to use their stuffy correctly three times in a class, they must put away their stuffy, but will have another try for the following class (ex: if they put away their stuffy during literacy, they can try again in math). 
I'm super excited to see us reach our incentive! 
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!