Kindess Week

We are about a week away from celebrating Kindness Week and Kindness Day (aka Valentine’s Day) or Wednesday, Feb. 14!!  Reminder, our students do not exchange Valentine’s Day cards/candy/etc. so please do not send your student to school with valentines or treats.  Instead, our students are going out into the community to distribute hand-made Kindness cards to our neighbors.  All companies that participated in previous years are excited to restart this tradition and the new companies are looking forward to hosting our students. Our class will be going to Anythink Library. Anythink Library's mission is to "open doors for curious minds in their local order to support and promote positive change". It is a free library service around Colorado!
Here is the Kindness Week schedule:
2/12 Monday: Words of Affirmation, Encouragment, and Love
  • Write a letter, send a text, or make a phone call to someone you appreciate
  • Example: Send messages (letter, text, etc.) to five people with whom you'd like to send words of affirmation
2/13 Tuesday: Quality Time
  • Enjoy intentional quality time with someone you love and appreciate
  • Example: Play a board game, make dinner together and eat around a table, read a book, take a walk, etc.!
2/14 Wednesday: Kindness Day Acts of Service
  • Do something kind (like a conscious act of kindess) for someone today
  • Example: Share a compliment, smile at somebody, help clean up, etc.!
  • This is the day we will be going to Anythink Library
2/15 Thursday: A Day of Giving
  • Share a gift with someone (you don't need money to give a gift!)
  • Example: Cook a meal, bake a treat, make a craft or just give something from your heart to someone else!
2/16 Friday: No School, Feel Good Friday! Be Kind to Yourself
  • While you are home on your day off...
    • Encourage yourSELF with words of affirmation
    • Do something kind for yourSELF
    • Give yourSELF a gift