Advocacy Update 4/8/24 - 4/12/24

Dates and Announcements  

Wednesday, April 10 

1st and 2nd Grade Field Trip to Four Mile Historic Park 

Monday, April 15 

Reading MAPS testing 

Monday, April 22 

Math MAPS testing 

Friday, April 26 

Westgate Clothing Swap 

Monday, April 29 – Friday, May 10 

Dibels reading testing 


  • Specials: Our special is P.E. We will stay in this special until April 26. 
  •  Field Trip to Four Mile Historic Park: As our Colorado weather becomes warmer, our classes have more opportunities to learn outdoors.  To further our learning history, we will be taking our classes to Four Mile Park. Our field trip to Four Mile Park will be this Wednesday, April 10th 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 PM. 
    • Please make sure your child wears their red Westgate shirt. If your child does not have a red Westgate shirt, any red shirt is fine.   
    • Please pack a disposable sack lunch and water bottle for your child labeled with their name. Students will have morning and afternoon snacks at Westgate, before and after our field trip. 
    • Please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes (we will be walking in dirt and livestock areas) and brings a light jacket (Colorado weather is always changing and spring is here). 


  • Yearbooks: Yearbooks for the 2023-2024 school year are now on sale. Yearbooks are $32 each and a customization can be added to the cover for an additional fee. Yearbooks will be distributed to all K-8 students on the last day of school. High school students will receive theirs on May 23rd. The deadline to order is April 23rd. Purchase yours now! 


  • Toys at School: Our school policy states that toys should not be brought to school for any reason or at any time. Please keep toys at home. 


  • Snack: Please make sure that your student brings TWO snacks each day, one for a morning snack and one for an afternoon snack. Make sure your child knows not to eat their snacks with their lunch. 


  • April Advocacy: Our Advocacy Theme this month is Social Awareness.  


As we embark through April, I am excited to share with you our social emotional theme of the month - social awareness. This month, we are focusing on helping our students develop a deeper understanding of the feelings, needs, and perspectives of others. 


Social awareness is a vital skill that promotes empathy, compassion, and inclusivity. By fostering social awareness in our students, we are nurturing their ability to engage with others in a respectful and understanding manner. 


We invite you to join us in supporting this important theme by engaging in conversations with your children about empathy, active listening, and the importance of considering the feelings of others. Your involvement and support in reinforcing these values at home will further enhance the impact of our efforts at school. 


Together, let's work towards creating a community where social awareness is valued and practiced by all.