Advocacy Update: 2/20/24 - 2/23/24

Dates and Announcements  


Monday, February 19 

NO SCHOOL – President's Day 

Wednesday, February 21 

9:30 AM - 1:45 PM 

Field Trip to the Arvada Center 

Friday, March 1 

Class Photos 

Thursday, March 7  

8:00 AM – 8:00 PM 

Parent-Teacher Conferences  

IN PERSON at Westgate 

Thursday, March 7  

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences  

ONLINE video conference 


  • Specials: Our special is iLab. We will stay in this special until March 8. 
  • Arvada Center Field Trip:   
    • This Wednesday, February 21st our 1st and 2nd grade students will be going to the Arvada Center to continue learning about oral expressions in literacy. Students will have a wonderful opportunity to tour this theater and then see the play "A Year with Frog and Toad". 
    • We will leave Westgate at 9:30 AM and plan to return at 2:00 PM. 
    • To visually connect all our students on the field trip, have your child wear their red Westgate shirt or another red shirt. 
    • Students need a disposable sack lunch and a water bottle.  There will not be access to microwaves, please do not send anything that requires heating.  Please do not send expensive reusable containers, as we cannot be responsible for their return. 
    • Please have your child wear comfortable walking shoes and be prepared for Colorado weather.   
    • A permission slip was sent out on Wednesday, February 7. Please sign it ASAP if you have not done so. Students without a signed permission form will remain at school during the field trip. 
  • Class Photos: Class photo order forms went home in your child’s Friday Folder. If you are interested in ordering a class photo, please order online or return the order form with payment. 


  • Toys at School: Our school policy states that toys should not be brought to school for any reason or at any time. Please keep toys at home. 


  • Snack: Please make sure that your student brings TWO snacks each day, one for a morning snack and one for an afternoon snack. Make sure your child knows not to eat their snacks with their lunch. 



  • Volunteers 


  • February Advocacy:  Empathy & Kindness 
    • Learning Goals:  
      • Students will be able to explain that empathy is the ability to understand how someone feels. 
      • Students will be able to explain why empathy is important.  
      • Students will understand how to read facial expressions and body language to predict emotions. 
    • Skills for Self: 
      • I can imagine what it’s like to stand in someone else’s shoes. 
      • Being empathetic strengthens the community.  
      • It is important to take someone else’s emotions and experiences into consideration.  
      • Deepens relationships with my classmates and people I know outside of school.