Math Update: 12/11/23 - 12/13/23

Last week, students continued to practice using compensation to subtract. You can watch this video if you are interested in learning how this strategy works. We also focused on solving 2-step word problems involving subtraction. We ended the week with a Chapter 5 Post-test and a Chapter 5 Pre-test. I will share these tests with parents at conferences. 

This is a short week, and we will begin Chapter 6 - “Fluently subtract within 100.” This chapter has a heavy focus on regrouping with subtraction. This is what many adults know as “Borrowing.” Typically, this strategy is confusing to kids, so we will begin by using models (blocks), and by subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number. For example, 21-6 =? We will pick up Chapter 6 after Winter Break.