Literacy Update 11/13/23 - 11/17/23

Snack: 1st and 2nd grade have our first snack time during literacy. Please make sure your child knows which food is for their lunch meal and for snacks. Healthy snacks are always the best choice. Emergency snacks are provided to students who do not bring a snack from home. 

Donation Request: Our emergency snacks are running low. Please consider sending in healthy, individually wrapped items. Thank you! 


Foundational Skills (Phonics, Decoding, and Spelling) 

Students have been learning about the Magic –e rule. When the letter ‘e’ is at the end of a word, it is usually silent and makes the preceding vowel make its long sound. Examples: made, hike, eve, bone, or tune. So far, we have learned how to read ‘a-magic-e' words, and ‘i-magic-e' words. Th 

This week, we will continue to learn how to read and spell the sounds of magic -e, with long ‘o’ and long ‘i.’ 


We have continued rotating through our Literacy Centers during our reading time. Students have been practicing reading nonsense words in the word work center. During small groups, students are focusing on phonics and reading comprehension.  

Please continue to read to your child each night and have them read to you! It is all beneficial. 


Last week, students learned to write the supporting details/reasons for their opinion paragraphs. We learned about the importance of linking and transition words.  

This coming week, Students will write their conclusion sentences. Students will learn that their conclusion sentence is the topic sentence restated.